Project Details
Title: South Delta Improvements Program EIS/EIR
Tracking Number:
Summary: The SDIP is a joint California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and Reclamation project that contains elements of the CALFED Record of Decision for long-term comprehensive actions to restore the ecological health and improve water management of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Bay-Delta system. The major components of the project are: (1) increasing water supplies for water contractors and improving the operational flexibility of the State Water Project by increasing the diversions through Clifton Court Forebay from 6,680 cfs to 8,500 cfs; (2) constructing three permanent operable barriers to improve existing water level and circulation patterns for south Delta agricultural diverters; and (3) constructing a permanent operable fish control barrier at the head of Old River to reduce the downstream movement of the San Joaquin River watershed Central Valley fall-/late-fall run Chinook salmon into the south Delta via the head of Old River; (4) dredging local channels in the south Delta to improve conveyance and dredge areas surrounding agricultural diversions to improve function; (5) the extension of up to 24 shallow agricultural intake facilities to improve function; and (6) implementation of an interim operations regime between December 15-March 15 until the permanent barriers are fully operable.
Sharon McHale (916) 978 - 5086 (916) 978-5094
02/09/2012NOI released August 30, 2002. Public scoping meetings held in October 2002. Biological Assessment/ASIP completed June 5, 2006. Draft EIS/EIR released November 10, 2005. Draft EIS/EIR hearings in December 2005. Final EIS/EIR Stage 1 Decision released December 15, 2006. Biological Opinion due date to be determined.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final EIS/EIR, Additional Cultural Resources information for Chapter 2; SDIP .pdf 170 B
Final EIS/EIR; cover, contents, Chap. 1; SDIP .pdf 496 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 2, part 1; SDIP .pdf 4,344 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 2, part 2; SDIP .pdf 5,785 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 2, part 3; SDIP .pdf 2,090 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 3; SDIP .pdf 667 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 4, part 1; SDIP .pdf 5,107 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 4, part 2; SDIP .pdf 2,666 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 5, part 1; SDIP .pdf 3,710 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 5, part 2; SDIP .pdf 3,794 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 5, part 3; SDIP .pdf 5,541 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 5, part 4; SDIP .pdf 5,197 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 5, part 5; SDIP .pdf 5,527 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 5, part 6; SDIP .pdf 4,719 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 5, part 7; SDIP .pdf 4,728 B
Final EIS/EIR; Vol. 2 cover and contents; SDIP .pdf 354 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 6, part 1; SDIP .pdf 4,836 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 6, part 2; SDIP .pdf 3,872 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 6, part 3; SDIP .pdf 5,508 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 6, part 4; SDIP .pdf 5,366 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 6, part 5; SDIP .pdf 4,789 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 6, part 6; SDIP .pdf 4,548 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 7, part 1; SDIP .pdf 4,859 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 7, part 2; SDIP .pdf 4,921 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 8, part 1; SDIP .pdf 4,711 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 8, part 2; SDIP .pdf 5,649 B
Final EIS/EIR; Volume 3 cover and contents; SDIP .pdf 344 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 10, app. A; SDIP .pdf 642 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 10, app. B, part 1; SDIP .pdf 4,013 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 10, app. B, part 2; SDIP .pdf 4,552 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 9, part 1; SDIP .pdf 3,882 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 9, part 2; SDIP .pdf 3,970 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 9, part 3; SDIP .pdf 4,327 B
Final EIS/EIR; Chapter 9, part 4; SDIP .pdf 3,610 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendices A-D, SDIP .pdf 3,596 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendices F-I, SDIP .pdf 3,622 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendices L-O, SDIP .pdf 5,118 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendices P-Q, SDIP .pdf 1,101 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendix E part 1, SDIP .pdf 1,403 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendix E part 2, SDIP .pdf 1,392 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendix J, SDIP .pdf 1,519 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Appendix K, SDIP .pdf 2,022 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Chapters 1-5, SDIP .pdf 4,851 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Chapters 6-13, SDIP .pdf 4,461 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Figures 2.1-2.5, SDIP .pdf 3,168 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Figures 2.5-2.11, SDIP .pdf 2,650 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Figures 5.1 1-38, SDIP .pdf 2,561 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Figures 5.2 1-49, SDIP .pdf 3,228 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Figures 5.2 50-80, SDIP .pdf 2,130 B
Draft EIS/EIR, Vol. 2 contents, SDIP .pdf 61 B
Draft EIS/EIR, contents & summary, SDIP .pdf 976 B
Draft EIS/EIR, glossary, SDIP .pdf 1,230 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Appendix D Fig. 1-22, SDIP .pdf 4,518 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Appendix D Fig. 139-154, SDIP .pdf 2,724 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Appendix D Fig. 23-39, SDIP .pdf 4,969 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Appendix D Fig. 40-93, SDIP .pdf 3,409 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Appendix D Fig. 94-138, SDIP .pdf 3,849 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Figure 6.2-1, SDIP .pdf 2,850 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Figure 6.2-9, SDIP .pdf 2,258 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Figures 6.1 1-38, SDIP .pdf 2,971 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Figures 6.2 10-11, SDIP .pdf 176 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Figures 6.2 2-8, SDIP .pdf 4,770 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Figures for 5.3 - 5.8, SDIP .pdf 4,832 B
Draft EIS/EIS, Figures for Chap. 7, SDIP .pdf 1,742 B
Draft EIS/EIS,Chapter 5.2 photos, SDIP .pdf 4,947 B