Yuma Area Office
Program and Activities
Design, Construction and Maintenance Services
The Yuma Area Office manages the river channel, banklines, jetties, wash fans, training structures, gates, bridges, levees, and access roads for the 276 river miles from Davis Dam to the border with Mexico. Maintenance focuses on both reliable water delivery as well as protection from flooding. Twenty-five quarries and over 50 stockpiles of rock are used to maintain the river and its backwaters. Accumulated sediment is also periodically removed from settling basins and other areas through large scale dredging.

The Yuma Area Office also operates and maintains groundwater wells in 4 well fields and about 100 miles of canal and pipe which convey the groundwater to the Colorado River on the Southerly International Boundary with Mexico. New wells and conveyances and major repairs are designed by skilled engineering personnel and executed by experienced journeymen.
Formal project management is utilized to ensure schedule, cost, accountability, and other objectives are met. The Yuma Area Office uses the methodology of the Project Management Institute and adheres to the Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge.

Webmaster: Veronica Welch