Yuma Area Office

In Process Environmental Documents

  • Yuma County's Transfer Station Project Environmental Assessment
  • City of Yuma's Conveyance Project Environmental Assessment

Environmental Documents

5-Mile Zone Protective and Regulatory Pumping Unit

Avenue 50 Canal Crossing

Cibola Old Channel Restoration Project

City of San Luis County 24th Street - 10th Avenue (Avenue H) to Avenue F-1/2

City of Yuma 12th Street Project

City of Yuma Land Conveyance Project

Coachella Canal Area
Coachella Canal Area Resource Management Plan/Environmental Assessment

Coachella Valley Water District Mid-Canal Storage Project

DICA Partners Water Conveyance Project

Drop 2 Reservoir Project

East Highline Reservoir and Intake Channel Project

Hunters Hole Restoration Project

Proposed Imperial Dam Electrical Upgrades

Laguna Reservoir Restoration Project

La Quinta Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Barrier Project

Needles-Topock Area Bankline Stabilization

Quarry Operations on the Lower Colorado River

Rolle Airfield

Unmeasured Flow Salinity Study Project

Upland Wash Sediment Control Project

Wellton-Mohawk Title Transfer

Wellton-Mohawk Water Delivery Contract Amendment

Yuma, Arizona Welcome Center Parking Lot and Future Welcome Center

Yuma County 8th Street Realignment Project

Yuma County's Transfer Station Project

Yuma Desalting Plant Pilot Run (YDP)

Yuma TS-8 to San Luis 69KV Transmission Line Project

For Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Dial: 711

Webmaster:  sha-YAO-WebComments@usbr.gov


Last Updated: 10/8/24