Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for December 2007 Record of Decision Entitled Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin Shortages and Coordinated Operations For Lake Powell and Lake Mead
Proposed Partial Assignment and Transfer of GSC Farm, LLC Colorado River Water Entitlement to the Town of Queen Creek, Arizona
Pilot System Conservation Program (Pilot Program)
Colorado River Basin Research-to-Operations (CRB R2O) Program
Colorado River Basin Water Supply & Demand Study - Final Reports
Colorado River Basin Water Supply & Demand Study - Moving Forward
Rule-Making -- Regulating the Use of Lower
Colorado River Water Without an Entitlement
Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin
Shortages & Coordinated Operations for Lake
Powell and Lake Mead
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program
The Colorado River Documents 2008
Demonstration Programs
Law of the River
Lower Colorado River Water Accounting
Lower Colorado River Water Operations Control Center
Lower Colorado River Water Delivery Contracts
Wastewater Reuse - Title XVI Grants
Water Conservation
Police Department
Travel Info
Photo Gallery
Rehabilitation of Date Street 100 and 200 Buildings in Boulder City
Boulder City "Green" Building
Reclamation Properties in and near the
Boulder City Historic District
The Lower Colorado Region's Statement of Project Construction Cost and Repayment (SPCCR) presenting the relationship between project cost and repayment are available upon request.
Please contact Matt Stemmer at (702) 293-8223 to obtain a copy of a project SPCCR.