Yuma Area Office
Welcome to the Bureau of Reclamation's Yuma Area Office

Yuma Area Office Headquarters
Contact us:
Yuma Area Office
7301 Calle Agua Salada
Yuma, AZ 85364
Phone: 800-433-8464 or 928-343-8100
Reclamation's Yuma Area Office is located 5 miles west of Yuma, Arizona. Our office is responsible for scheduling Colorado River water deliveries in Arizona, California, and Mexico serving over 750,000 people and more than 1 million acres of commercial agriculture.
We manage the Colorado River from Davis Dam to the border with Mexico. Our office also operates and maintains large-scale well fields to help maintain water tables near the Yuma area. We are also home to the Yuma Desalting Plant, one of the world’s largest reverse osmosis desalination plants.
We participate in water conservation outreach and demonstration projects with local irrigation districts and Native American tribes. We also conduct advanced water treatment research at our state-of-the-art research center.
Stories & Media
Effective April 1, the Bureau of Reclamation USAccess Credentialing Center in Yuma, Arizona is closed until further notice. For mission-critical inquiries, please contact Owen Fulsome at 928-343-8138.
Reclamation to begin maintenance activities on the Bypass Canal
Reclamation announced today that repairs to the U.S. Bypass Drain, which carries irrigation drainage water from farming operations in the Wellton and South Gila valleys to the Yuma Desalting Plant and on to the Ciénega de Santa Clara, will begin on September 5. Read More →
Yuma Desalting Plant to conduct test of the Emergency Chemical Alarm System
On Wednesday, December 18, 2019, the Bureau of Reclamation's Yuma Desalting Plant (YDP), located at 7301 Calle Agua Salada, will conduct a test of its emergency chemical alarm system. The test will be conducted to verify that the plant’s emergency readiness system is fully operational to support evacuation and safety procedures in the event the facility experiences an incidental chemical release. Read More →
Traffic to be temporarily detoured on County 19th Street to accommodate new pipeline installation
Reclamation’s Yuma Area Office announced today that Quail Construction LLC., will begin detouring traffic on County 19th Street between Avenue C and Avenue D starting January 7. The detour will remain in effect through approximately January 22 to accommodate excavation and installation of a new groundwater pipeline. Read More →
Reclamation to begin construction activities for the cibola old channel restoration project
Reclamation Closes Horne Road Bridge near Fort Yuma Reservation
The Bureau of Reclamation’s Yuma Area Office announced today that it has closed the Horne Road Bridge near the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation due to the bridge’s poor structural condition. Read More →
Reclamation to temporarily detour traffic on Laguna Dam Road near Yuma to replace bridges
The Bureau of Reclamation’s Yuma Area Office announced today that beginning in Fall 2018, construction contractors performing work on behalf of the agency will temporarily detour traffic on portions of Laguna Dam Road immediately downstream of the Imperial Dam to accommodate the removal and replacement of two bridge decks. In addition to installation of new decks, contractors will install new guardrails on the bridges on both the California and Arizona sides of the dam. Read More →
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