Transportation Program

The Bureau of Reclamation's Transportation Program is a new and developing program. Reclamation receives funding from the Federal Highway Administration through the Federal Lands Transportation Program (FLTP). The FLTP funding has allowed Reclamation to improve Reclamation owned transportation assets that are open to the public. The Transportation Program has also developed Reclamation wide geospatial inventories covering Reclamation owned bridges, roads, and parking lots and Reclamation is actively working on developing a geospatial trails inventory. The Reclamation Bridge Program falls within the Transportation Program as well. The Bridge Program involves inventorying, inspecting, load rating, and other related activities for Reclamation’s over 300 public bridges. The Bridge Program is also responsible for inspecting all of Reclamation’s non-public bridges.

Photo of the Upper Stillwater Bridge accessing Upper Stillwater dam - Utah, Upper Colorado Region
Upper Stillwater Bridge accessing Upper Stillwater Dam, Utah





Dan Staton,, 303-445-3858


For site maintenance contact: Webmaster
Last Updated: 06/28/2022