- Reclamation
- Dam Safety & Infrastructure
- Asset Management
- Training & Guidance
Training and Guidance
Asset Management Division (AMD) offers a variety of training seminars, workshops, and other essential information on future training events notated below. You will also find
information that includes guidance materials and resources such as, O&M Bulletins, safety posters, and more.

Sacramento River below Shasta Dam
Dam Training:
O&M Training Opportunities:
Water Management Workshop
The Water Management Workshop (WMW) has been sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation since 1961. The WMW is a 3-day training seminar for supervisors, managers, water masters, and others responsible for or associated with the O&M of water systems. The workshop is held when field activities are generally at a minimum for the convenience of operating personnel. The objective of the workshop is the self-improvement of personnel who are directly responsible for the technical details of maintaining O&M water systems.
Please join us for the 2025 WMW, which will be held in Denver, Colorado at the Denver Federal Center, Building 67. Workshop dates are Tuesday, February 11 - Thursday, February 13. The WMW schedule includes classroom discussions and hands-on training in our Research and Laboratory Facilities located in Building 56. Please view the 2025 Agenda below.

Photo of North Canal Box Flume.
Review of Operations & Maintenance (RO&M) Workshop
The RO&M Workshop, formerly known as the Associated Facilities Review Workshop, is a 3-day seminar held annually for Reclamation operation and maintenance (O&M) personnel, inspectors, and water O&M personnel. The first two days consist of classroom training and discussion while the third day will consist of a field site visit at a Dam. The objective of the seminar is to provide Reclamation employees with the tools they need to be successful in the field.
The 2025 RO&M Workshop will be held Tuesday, April 15 to Thursday, April 17, in Dallas, Texas. Hotel venue information will be shared once finalized. Registration for the 2025 RO&M Workshop is required via DOI Talent and will be opened by November. We are still working on finalizing our 2025 RO&M Agenda. Please feel free to view last year's agenda below.
O&M Cost Index:
Other Reclamation Manuals You May Want:
Internship Program:
Inquiries on upcoming AMD workshops please contact:
Ginger Dill, GDill@usbr.gov, 303-445-2703