Major Rehabilitation and Replacement

  • 5-Year Estimate Map

    Bureau of Reclamation Transparency Act (Transparency Act) (John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, Public Law No. 116-9, Title VIII, Subtitle G) requires Reclamation to produce an asset management report and provide Congress with a list of all future repair needs, including information on the level of cost estimate, category of relative importance, and planned funding for each activity.

    In compliance with the Transparency Act, Reclamation provides the Asset Management Report to Congress every two years, with the next submission due March 2025. Prior reports can be accessed below. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, the Major Rehabilitation and Replacement (MR&R) update resulted in $7.3 billion in anticipated MR&R needs over the next 5 years and $20.3 billion over the next 30 years (FY 2023 - 2052).


    • 2023 Asset Management Report

      The cover of the Strategic Asset Management Plan.The John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, P.L. 116-9, Title VIII – Water and Power, Subtitle G - Bureau of Reclamation Transparency, Sections 8601-8603 (Reclamation Transparency Act) requires the Bureau of Reclamation to provide Congress with a detailed assessment of Major Rehabilitation and Replacement (MR&R) long-term capital and repair needs, categorization of repair needs, and regular reporting of information related to Reclamation's investments in infrastructure. The report to Congress must include an itemized list of MR&R information, guidance that describes the applicability of a risk categorization system, and budget-level cost estimates, as reported in annual funding requests for individual activities. Read the Report →

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