- Reclamation
- Dam Safety & Infrastructure
- Asset Management
- Buildings & Structures Program
Buildings and Structures Program
The Bureau of Reclamation owns a wide variety of buildings including administrative offices, warehouses, service or “shop” buildings, visitor centers, dam tender houses, and many more. These Reclamation owned buildings require routine inspections to identify and document any required recommendations to keep the building functioning as designed. The Buildings and Structures Program provides a consistent framework for inspecting and documenting maintenance needs for Reclamation owned buildings.
Along with building operations, maintenance, and inspections, Reclamation is also responsible for managing its use of building space through the implementation of the Reduce the Footprint (RTF) policy. Reclamation ensures that facility acquisitions, lease renewals, and relocations are driven by mission-related needs. Reclamation strives to support mission and strategic goals to promote full and appropriate utilization and disposal of unneeded assets in a cost-effective manner. All requests for new space or changes in space are reviewed and approved through the Space Request Business Case (SRBC) process, outlined in Reclamation’s Real Property Efficiency Plan, to ensure that space management activities are completed in accordance with the RTF initiative and Departmental requirements. SRBCs must be reviewed and approved by regional directors and, ultimately, Reclamation’s Senior Asset Management Officer prior to moving forward with any space management activity.

Hoover Dam Visitor Center, Nevada
- See ENV TRMR-58, "Sustainable Construction, Renovation, Operations, and Leasing of Bureau of Reclamation Building Assets", for review.
Mike Studiner, mstudiner@usbr.gov, 720-415-2794