Asset Management Division

Mission Statement:

AMD’s mission is to ensure effective operations and exceptional stewardship of Reclamation’s infrastructure by establishing agile framework in collaboration with external and internal stakeholders.

Vision Statement:

Promote a world class asset management culture across Reclamation resulting in proactive, data-driven decision making to optimize the value of our assets.

Division Values:

    Safety: We are uncompromising in our number one value of safety, ensuring safety is engrained in the way we do business.
    Customer Service: We build strong relationships by exceeding our customers’ expectations with the utmost respect and responsiveness.
    People: We build a diverse, inclusive, and collaborative environment where people inspire each other with important work full of purpose, challenging opportunities, and rewarding careers.
    Collaboration: We foster a collaborative cross-functional asset management culture across Reclamation.
    Leadership: We lead through commitment, empowerment, empathy, and transparency.
    Quality: We endeavor for excellence in all we do.
    Integrity: We adhere to strong moral and ethical principles.
    Communication: We communicate clearly and concisely, listen to others, and are fully present in conversations to create meaningful and transparent dialogue.
    Sustainability: We will ensure Reclamation assets are sustainable through a proactive vision.
    Agile: We approach our business to meet the ever-changing needs of our stakeholders.

Asset Management Division Organization

Reclamation has asset management responsibility for a diverse portfolio of water and power related constructed assets, with many facilities which are now well over 100 years old. This site makes available to Reclamation’s staff and its operating entities a number of tools, in the form of technical manuals, bulletins and other reference material, which can be used to better manage Reclamation’s constructed assets, to increase awareness of the importance in managing these constructed assets in the seventeen western states.

Operations and Maintenance

The Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Branch leads agency-wide programs to support Reclamation and its operating entities responsible for day-to-day O&M activities to ensure the continued structural integrity and operational reliability of these facilities. Program contacts include:

Infrastructure Investment and Management

The Infrastructure Investment and Management Branch (Infrastracture Branch) provides the overall direction and guidance for the Infrastructure Program and maintains Reclamation's constructed asset inventory and relevant reporting information. The Infrastucture Branch is responsible for the Federal Real Property Profile Program (FRPP), the Major Rehabilitation and Replacement (MR&R) and the associated Capital Investment and Repair Needs (CIRN) application, the Space Management Program, the Project Management Program, the Title Transfer Program, the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) Program, and development and implementation of Reclamation’s Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP). Program contacts include:

  • Supervisor: Reuben Vidaurrazaga (; 303-445-2525)
  • MR&R Program, Deferred Maintenance, CIRN Database: Lindsay Grabner (; 720-827-7834)
  • FRPP, Space Management (includes Reduce the Footprint): Rachel Miles ( (; 720-582-6542)
  • Title Transfer, Project Management/Alternative Financing Programs: Nicole Carson (; 208-431-5589)
  • CPIC Program: Conrad Greaves (; 303-445-3432)
  • Strategic Asset Management Program: Nohemi Olbert (; 928-304-4825)
  • Infrastructure Program Analyst: Vacant
  • CARMA Program: Anne Antonelli ; (; 720-591-6366)
  • CARMA Program: Tyler Byrne (; 208-351-6259)
  • CARMA Program: Vacant
  • CARMA Program: Vacant
  • Land Resources

    The Land Resources Team specializes in Reclamation-wide lands, realty, and recreation. The Land Resources Team is also responsible for implementing the Western Watershed Enhancement Partnership, Secretarial Order (SO) 3356, Hunting, Fishing, Recreational Shooting, and Wildlife Conservation Opportunities and Coordination with States. Tribes, and Territories, and Secretarial Order 3366, Increasing Recreation Opportunities on Lands and Waters Managed by the U.S. Department of the Interior. Program contacts include:

    • Supervisor: Jason Kirby (; 303-902-7472)
    • Land Program Manager: Vacant
    • Recreation Program Manager: Ronnie Baca (; 303-445-3257)
    • Recreation and Land Program Analyst: Courtney Cobb (; 303-445-3273)
    • Recreation and Land Program Analyst: Eren Yildiz (; 303-445-2998)
    • Recreation and Land Program Analyst: Chandler Berry (; 303-445-2233)
    • Wildland Fire Management Program Coordinator: Laura Harger (; 970-820-0509)
    • Wildland Fire Management Program Analyst: Jeanne Demorest (; 509-306-5946)



    For site maintenance contact: Webmaster
    Last Updated: 12/09/2024