Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact

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On this page you will find a chronological listing of Environmental Assessments produced by Interior Region 7 – Upper Colorado Basin. An alphabetical listing is available here.

Environmental Assessments and associated documents are generated to fulfill the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. Environmental Assessments are used to determine if significant environmental impacts would occur as a result of a Reclamation action or a Reclamation funded action.

An Environmental Assessments is a concise public document that serves to provide:

  • sufficient evidence and analysis regarding the significance of environmental impacts of the proposed action
  • alternatives to that proposal to aid in decision-making when there is an unresolved conflict in the use of resources

Reclamation shall prepare an environmental assessment for a proposed action that is not likely to have significant effects or when the significance of the effects is unknown unless the Reclamation finds that a categorical exclusion is applicable or has decided to prepare an environmental impact statement.

Publication Date Status Document Title
12/2024 Final Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for the Uncompahgre Multibenefit Project Link is to a PDF file
11/2024 Draft Los Lunas River Mile 163 River Maintenance Project Environmental Assessment - DRAFT Link is to a PDF file
11/2024 Final Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for Gould Canal Improvement Projects A & B – Upper Tunnel Bypass Link is to a PDF file
10/2024 Draft Draft Environmental Assessment — Project Advanced Water Purification Facility – El Paso, Texas Link is to a PDF file
09/2024 Final Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for the Crawford Clipper Jerdon-West-Hamilton Laterals Piping Project Link is to a PDF file
09/2024 Draft Draft Environmental Assesment Sumner Dam Radial Gates Project Link is to a PDF file
07/2024 Final Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for the Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association's East Side Laterals Piping Project Phase 10 Link is to a PDF file
07/2024 Final Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment for the Turner & Lone Cabin Ditch Combination Salinity Reduction Project Link is to a PDF file
07/2024 Draft Draft Environmental Assessment for the Strawberry Valley Project 1920 Act Conversion Link is to a PDF file
01/2024 Final Hyrum Spillway Replacement Project Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Link is to a PDF file
01/2024 Draft Land Use Authorization for US-189 Wallsburg to Charleston Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
Publication Date Status Document Title
12/2022 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Short Ditch Extension Piping Project Link is to a PDF file
12/2022 Draft DRAFT River Mile 60 Controlled Outfall Urgent Implementation Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
11/2022 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Reaches 10.1, 10.1.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.3, and 10.3.1 (Beacon Bisti Route N9 [BBN9] Lateral) of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Link is to a PDF file
11/2022 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Shinn Park and Waterdog Laterals Piping Salinity Control Project Link is to a PDF file
10/2022 Final Deer Creek Intake Project Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
09/2022 Final Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Jordan Aqueduct at Bangerter Highway and 4700 South Link is to a PDF file
09/2022 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No New Significant Impact for the Realignment of the Northern Portion of the San Juan Lateral Link is to a PDF file
08/2022 Draft DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the El Paso Aquifer Storage and Recovery Enhanced Arroyo Project Link is to a PDF file
07/2022 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Pilot Rock Ditch Piping Project Link is to a PDF file
06/2022 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Needle Rock – Lone Rock Ditch Piping Project Link is to a PDF file
05/2022 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the McPhee Dam and Reservoir Area Land Withdrawal Link is to a PDF file
05/2022 Final Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Jordan Aqueduct on Bangerter Highway between 9800 South Link is to a PDF file
04/2022 Final Red Fleet State Park Improvements - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact
03/2022 Final Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Jordan Aqueduct on Bangerter Highway between 2700 West (Riverton) and S.R. 201(2100 South) Link is to a PDF file
01/2022 Final Utah State Parks Recreation Enhancement Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact
Publication Date Status Document Title
08/2021 Final Muddy Creek Irrigation Company Piping Project Phase III Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
05/2021 Final Carriage of Non-Project Water through Steinaker Reservoir, Vernal Unit, Central Utah Project Facilities - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
05/2021 Final Big Sandy Reservoir Rotenone Treatment - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
05/2021 Draft Sumner Dam Modified Flood Operations Plan - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
04/2021 Final South Shore and Cherry Hill Farms Carriage and Exchange Contract for Non-Project Water through the Strawberry High Line Canal - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
03/2021 Draft Muddy Creek Irrigation Company Piping Project Phase III Report Title - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
03/2021 Final Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy Carriage Contract in Deer Creek Reservoir - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
03/2021 Final Sanpete Contract Termination and Quitclaim Deed - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
01/2021 Draft San Acacia Diversion Dam Fish Passage - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
01/2021 Draft Crawford Clipper Upper West Lateral Project A - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
Publication Date Status Document Title
11/2020 Final Grand Valley Irrigation Company Phase V (550) Canal Lining Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
11/2020 Final Davis Aqueduct Parallel Pipeline - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file and Appendices Link is to a PDF file
10/2020 Final Peoa South Bench Canal Piping & Metering Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
09/2020 Final Root and Ratliff Ditch Pipeline Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
09/2020 Final Layton Canal Relocation - Final Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
09/2020 Final Ashley Upper and Highline Canals Salinity Control Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
08/2020 Final UDOT US-89 Farmington to 1-84 Project Davis County, Utah - Final Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
06/2020 Final Big Sandy Reservoir Enlargement Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
06/2020 Final Taos Indian Water Rights Settlement Mutual-Benefit Projects - Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
05/2020 Final Tri-County Water & Dallas Creek Water Company Pipeline Interconnect Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
04/2020 Final El Vado Dam – Safety of Dams Modification Project - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
04/2020 Draft Upper Stewart Ditch Pipeline Project - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file
03/2020 Final River Mile 82 to 79 Pilot River Realignment Project at Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge - Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Link is to a PDF file
03/2020 Draft Root and Ratliff Ditch Pipeline Project - Draft Environmental Assessment Link is to a PDF file

You may email questions regarding environmental documents to ucrnepa@usbr.gov

Last Updated: 12/16/24