Document Library

In an effort to simplify finding documents from Interior Region 7 – Upper Colorado Basin we have begun consolidating links into this central Document Library. Our hope is to make finding documents as simple and painless as possible, below is a break down of the categories we will be using to help organize our library and how the entries will be displayed. Please take a look and if you have any questions or comments please send them to

Biological Assessments and Opinions

On this page you will find a chronological listing of Biological Assessments and their accompanying Biological Opinions for projects in the Upper Colorado Basin.

The Endangered Species Act requires that any federal agency proposing an action that may have an effect on an ESA-listed fish – issuing a permit, spending money, taking a direct action on fish habitat – consult with the act’s regulatory agencies’, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or NOAA Fisheries.

Reclamation will complete a biological assessment on potential effects to the fish or its habitat and submit it to the regulatory agency. The regulatory agency then renders a Biological Opinion back to Reclamation.

The intent of a Biological Opinion is to ensure that the proposed action will not reduce the likelihood of survival and recovery of a ESA-listed species. A Biological Opinion usually also includes conservation recommendations that further recovery of the specific ESA-listed species.

Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact

On this page you will find a chronological listing of Environmental Assessments produced by the Upper Colorado Basin. An alphabetical listing is available here.

Environmental Assessments and associated documents are generated to fulfill the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. Environmental Assessments are used to determine if significant environmental impacts would occur as a result of a Reclamation action or a Reclamation funded action.

An Environmental Assessments is a concise public document that serves to provide:

  • sufficient evidence and analysis regarding the significance of environmental impacts of the proposed action

  • alternatives to that proposal to aid in decision-making when there is an unresolved conflict in the use of resources.

Environmental Assessments must address and document those areas where there is a potential to significantly affect the environment and provide the public an opportunity for involvement and input in the decision process in accordance with the law. The Environmental Assessments concludes with a one of two decision documents, either a Finding of No Significant Impact or a Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.

Environmental Impact Statements and Records of Decision

On this page you will find a chronological listing of Environmental Impact Statements and Records of Decision for Upper Colorado Basin projects and activities.

Federal agencies prepare Environmental Impact Statements if a proposed major federal action is determined to significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The regulatory requirements for an Environmental Impact Statement are more detailed and rigorous than the requirements for an Environmental Assessments.

An agency publishes a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register. The Notice of Intent informs the public of the upcoming environmental analysis and describes how the public can become involved in the EIS preparation.

This Notice of Intent starts the scoping process, which is the period in which the federal agency and the public collaborate to define the range of issues and possible alternatives to be addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement.

A draft Environmental Impact Statement is published for public review and comment for a minimum of 45 days. Upon close of the comment period, agencies consider all substantive comments and, if necessary, conduct further analyses.

A final Environmental Impact Statement is then published, which provides responses to substantive comments. Publication of the final Environmental Impact Statement begins the minimum 30-day "wait period," in which agencies are generally required to wait 30 days before making a final decision on a proposed action.

The Environmental Protection Agency publishes a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register, announcing the availability of both draft and final Environmental Impact Statements to the public.

The Environmental Impact Statement process ends with the issuance of the Record of Decision. The Record of Decision explains the agency's decision, describes the alternatives the agency considered, and discusses the agency's plans for mitigation and monitoring, if necessary.

Federal Register Notices

On this page you will find a chronological listing of links to Notices from the Upper Colorado Basin published in the Federal Register.

The notices section of the Federal Register contains documents other than rules or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, delegations of authority, issuances or revocation of licenses, grant application deadlines, availability of environmental impact statements, filing of petitions and applications, and agency statements of organization and functions are examples of documents appearing in this section.

Published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, the Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. It is updated daily by 6 a.m. and is published Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.


On this page you will find various published reports from the Upper Colorado Basin. Those reports that are recurring are grouped together and listed chronologically, those that do not fall in to a grouped category are listed chronologically in the Miscellaneous Reports section.

  • Operating Reports
  • Project Reports
  • Annual Reports
  • Consumptive Uses and Loss Reports
  • Miscellaneous Reports


On this page you will find various published plans from the Upper Colorado Basin. Those plans that are recurring are grouped together and listed chronologically, those that do not fall in to a grouped category are listed chronologically in the Miscellaneous Plans section.

Miscellaneous Documents and Publications

On this page you will find those documents and publications that do not fit into any of the categories list above. Those documents that are recurring are grouped together and listed chronologically, those that do not fall in to a grouped category are listed chronologically in the Miscellaneous section.

Last Updated: 5/25/21