Yuma Area Office

Historical Milestones

1902 Congress passed the Reclamation Act creating the Bureau of Reclamation
1903 Reclamation moved into the Yuma area and created its first development along the Lower Colorado River (a 125,000 square-mile watershed congruent of Arizona, California, and Nevada).
1909 Laguna Dam construction completed in Yuma
1912 Colorado River Siphon constructed to carry water (Yuma to Yuma Valley)
1917 Launched the Yuma Auxiliary Project
1922 Colorado River Compact Act signed into law
1925 Colorado River Front Work and Levee System Act passed into law
1928 Boulder Canyon Project with Hoover Dam and Imperial Diversion Dam
1935 Hoover Dam construction completed
1935 Parker Dam construction completed
1937 Launched Gila Project
1939 Imperial Dam construction completed
1941 Davis Dam construction completed
1942 All-American Canal construction completed
1943 Gila Gravity Canal construction completed
1944 Treaty of 1944 guarantees delivery of 1.5 million acre-feet of Colorado River
water to Mexico annually (did not address water quality)
1965 Minute No. 218 authorizes Main Outlet Drain Extension (MODE) construction and use to bypass WMIDD irrigation drainage water

Minute No. 242 defines acceptable salinity differential at the Northerly International Boundary

1974 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act authorizes actions to control salinity including construction of the Yuma Desalting Plant (YDP)
1980 YDP construction groundbreaking
1992 YDP operated from May 1992 to January 1993 at 1/3 of full capacity
1993 Gila River flood
1997 Water Quality Improvement Center (WQIC) designated as a National Center for Water Treatment Technologies
2004 Yuma Area Resource Water Management Group (YARWMG) established
2004 YDP Workgroup established
2005 YDP Workgroup releases proposed plan to operate the YDP without causing harm or keeping water from the CiĆ©nega de Santa Clara and Reclamation initiates a public process to explore alternatives to the YDP for replacing or recovering the bypass flow
2005 Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program enacted
2006 Coachella Canal Lining completed and dedicated
2007 YDP Demonstration Run completed
2007 Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin Shortages and Coordinated Operations for Lakes Powell and Mead enacted
2007 Drop 2 Reservoir Funding Agreement Signed
2007 Yuma Area Water Management System installed
2008 YDP Committee established and YDP Pilot Run is proposed
2008 Drop 2 Storage Reservoir construction groundbreaking
2009 All-American Canal Lining project dedicated
2009 YDP Pilot Run Funding Agreement signed

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Last Updated: 7/7/15