Boulder Canyon Operations Office

Lower Colorado River Water Delivery Contracts

Questions and Answers

Who can have a Colorado River water delivery contract?

Anyone can request a Colorado River water delivery contract, but virtually all Colorado River water available for continuing long-term use in Arizona, California, and Nevada is already committed and/or placed under permanent contract.

A small amount of water apportioned to Arizona has not been committed but has been requested by prospective water users. The State is considering how that water should be put to beneficial use.

In California, some water is available through the Lower Colorado River Water Supply Project (LCWSP) for domestic use purposes. For more information about the LCWSP and the process to obtain a subcontract for LCWSP water, refer to the Colorado River Board of California's website at:

Nevada’s Colorado River water allocation has been fully committed.

Return to Water Delivery Contracts main page.








For more information on water delivery contracts and entitlements, contact Lesli Kirsch-Burke at:




Last Updated: 3/7/24