Lower Colorado River Water Accounting

Colorado River Water Use Reporting

History and Types of Reports

The Lower Colorado Basin Region's Water Accounting and Verification Office provides regular reports on diversions and water uses and losses in the lower Colorado River Basin through the following three reports:

• Water Accounting Reports
• Consumptive Uses and Losses Reports
• Lower Colorado River Annual Summary of Evapotranspiration and Evaporation Reports

While source data from one report may be utilized in others, each is a standalone report with differing definitions and methodologies.  

Note: All reports are formatted as Adobe Acrobat PDF files. 

Water Accounting Reports

The "Water Accounting Report" tabulates measured diversions, measured returns and consumptive use of each user taking water from the lower Colorado River:
2023 (10.4 MB)
2022 (7.30 MB)
2021 (12.7 MB)
2020 (11.6 MB)
2019 (13.4 MB)
2018 (10.4 MB)
2017 (16.4 MB)
2016 (13.7 MB)
2015 (908 KB)
2014 (1.6 MB)
2013 (2.0 MB)
2012 (1.4 MB)
2011 (1.2 MB)
2010 (1.6 MB)
2009 (1.1 MB)
2008 (1.9 MB)
2007 (5.3 MB)
2006 (2.4 MB)
2005 (1.1 MB)
2004 (1.2 MB)
2003 (647 KB)
2002 (1.3 MB)
2001 (1.7 MB)
2000 (1.2 MB)
1999 (1.2 MB)
1998 (1.2 MB)
1997 (1.0 MB)
1996 (1.1 MB)
1995 (1.0 MB)
1994 (1.0 MB)
1993 (1.0 MB)
1992 (1.0 MB)
1991 (937 KB)
1990 (997 KB)
1989 (927 KB)
1988 (996 KB)
1987 (1.0 MB)
1986 (804 KB)
1985 (915 KB)
1984 (787 KB)
1983 (782 KB)
1982 (843 KB)
1981 (1.2 MB)
1980 (885 KB)
1979 (927 KB)
1978 (900 KB)
1977 (896 KB)
1976 (903 KB)
1975 (906 KB)
1974 (1.0 MB)
1973 (937 MB)
1972 (1.0 MB)
1971 (1.1 MB)
1970 (985 MB)
1969 (841 KB)
1968 (897 KB)
1967 (848 KB)
1966 (723 KB)
1965 (677 KB)
1964 (464 KB)
Contact: Jeremy Dodds at: jdodds@usbr.gov

Colorado River System Consumptive Uses and Losses Reports

The "Colorado River System Consumptive Uses and Losses Report" (CUL Report) presents estimates of the anthropogenic consumptive uses and losses from the Colorado River System for each calendar year starting in 1971. Consumptive uses and losses data are categorized by type of use, major tributary streams, and by individual states. The lower Colorado River Sytem data were recalulated for 1971-2005 and the same methodologies were used to develop 2006-2015 lower Colorado River System data.
Contact: Sean Schrag-Toso at: sschragtoso@usbr.gov

Lower Colorado River Annual Summary of Evapotranspiration and Evaporation Reports

The "Lower Colorado River Annual Summary of Evapotranspiration and Evaporation" (LCRAS) report provides estimates of annual agricultural, riparian vegetation, and open water acreages and water uses along the lower Colorado River from Hoover Dam to the Southerly International Boundary with Mexico. Reclamation has reported this data since 1995, in reports previously called the “Lower Colorado River Accounting System (LCRAS) Evapotranspiration and Evaporation Calculation.”

Calendar Year 2016 ET and Acreage Summaries (Excel, 115 KB)
Calendar Year 2015 ET and Acreage Summaries (Excel, 153 KB)
Calendar Year 2014 Report (PDF, 14 MB) or ET and Acreage Summaries (Excel, 140 KB)
Calendar Year 2013 Report (PDF, 13 MB) or ET and Acreage Summaries (Excel, 133 KB)
Calendar Year 2012 Report (PDF, 13 MB) or ET and Acreage Summaries (Excel, 143 KB)
Calendar Year 2011 Report (PDF, 4.1 MB) or ET and Acreage Summaries (Excel, 152 KB)
Calendar Year 2010 Report (PDF, 4.9 MB) or ET and Acreage Summaries (Excel, 187 KB)
Calendar Year 2009 Report (PDF, 5.2 MB)
Calendar Year 2008 Report or download (21 MB)
Calendar Year 2007 Report or download (6.4 MB)
Calendar Year 2006 Report or download (13.1 MB)
Calendar Year 2005 Report or download (16.6 MB)
Calendar Year 2004 Report or download (5.4 MB)
Calendar Year 2003 Report or download (4.9 MB)
Calendar Year 2002 Report or zip download (8.7 MB)
Calendar Year 2001 Report or zip download (8.5 MB)
Calendar Year 2000 Report or zip download (9 MB)
Calendar Year 1999 Report or zip download (8.7 MB)
Calendar Year 1998 Report or zip download (8.6 MB)
Calendar Year 1997 Report or zip download (6.6 MB)
Calendar Year 1996 Report or zip download (13.3 MB)
Calendar Year 1995 Report or zip download (13.2 MB)

Contact: Troy Wirth at: twirth@usbr.gov

Last Updated: 01/17/2025