Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects

Through the WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects Reclamation provides 50/50 cost share funding to irrigation and water districts, tribes, states and other entities with water or power delivery authority for small water efficiency improvements that have been identified through previous planning efforts. Projects eligible for funding include installation of flow measurement or automation in a specific part of a water delivery system, lining of a section of a canal to address seepage, or other similar projects that are limited in scope.


For additional information on WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects, please contact Ms. Nickie McCann at 303-445-3733 or send an email to

You may complete this form to receive WaterSMART program notification from the Bureau of Reclamation.


  • Water and Energy Efficiency Grants Funding Opportunity and Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects Webinar

    The Bureau of Reclamation will host a webinar on August 29, 2024 at 1pm MDT to discuss the FY24 Water and Energy Efficiency funding opportunity and the FY24/25 Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects funding opportunity. Click here to join the live event, or use the same link to watch a recording following the event.

    On November 14, 2023, The Bureau of Reclamation published a funding opportunity for the WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants (WEEG). This funding opportunity provides funding for projects that result in quantifiable water savings, implement renewable energy components, and support broader sustainability benefits. These projects conserve and use water more efficiently; increase the production of renewable energy; mitigate conflict risk in areas at a high risk of future water conflict; and accomplish other benefits that contribute to sustainability in the Western United States. The first round of selections were announced August 5, 2024. The second and last round of applications are due November 13, 2024.

    On November 2, 2023, The Bureau of Reclamation published a funding opportunity for the WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects (SWEP). This funding opportunity provides funding for small water efficiency improvements that have been identified through previous planning efforts. Projects eligible for funding include installation of flow measurement or automation in a specific part of a water delivery system, lining of a section of a canal to address seepage, or other similar projects that are limited in scope. The first round of selections were announced May 23, 2024, and the second round of selections were due July 9, 2024. The third round of applications are due January 14, 2025.

    If you have questions regarding applicant and project eligibility or the evaluation criteria, click here and select the applicable funding opportunity to schedule a time to talk with the program coordinator. 

  • Reclamation announces $3.7M in WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency grants for 41 projects

    The Bureau of Reclamation announced 41 projects selected to receive $3.7 million to improve water efficiency in the Western United States. Projects receiving funding through the Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects include the installation of flow measurement or automation in a specific part of a water delivery system, lining of a section of a canal to address seepage, or other similar projects that are limited in scope. Read More →

  • FY24/25 Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects Funding Opportunity Deadline Extended

    The WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects For Fiscal Year 2024 and Fiscal Year 2025 NOFO closed on January 16, 2024. Due to a large number of incomplete applications, the closing date has been extended from 1/16/24 to 2/6/24 at 4:00 PM MST. Please note there is a discrepancy between the mandatory application components listed in the NOFO and those identified as mandatory in the package. The NOFO requires applicants to submit a completed Budget Information Form (SF-424A or SF-424C); and a signed Assurances Form (SF-424B or SF-424D), depending on whether the project is a construction or Nonconstruction project. The application package notation that these forms are “optional” should be disregarded.

    If you have already submitted an application, please review your Workspace on to verify all mandatory application components identified in the Application Checklist on page iii of the NOFO and in Section D.2.2 Application Content were submitted. These include:

    • A completed and signed SF-424
    • A completed Budget Information Form (SF-424A or SF-424C)
    • A signed Assurances Form (SF-424B or SF-424D)
    • A technical proposal (uploaded using the Project Narrative form)
    • A budget narrative (uploaded using the Budget Narrative form)

    The system does not allow users to amend their application packages after submission. If your application is missing any mandatory components, a new application package must be submitted by February 6, 2024, 4:00 p.m. MST in order for your project to be considered for funding. As identified in Section E.2.1. First Level and Threshold Screening, applications are reviewed to ensure the application is complete and submitted on time. An application that fails to include the mandatory application components is marked incomplete and will not proceed to a merit review. After February 6, 2024, the NOFO and the application package will be amended to reflect mandatory forms and the second application period will close on July 9, 2024.

  • Webinar for WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Funding Opportunity

    On Thursday, November 9, 2023, Reclamation’s WaterSMART Program hosted a webinar to discuss the Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects funding opportunity currently open on The webinar included information regarding eligibility, program requirements, and the selection process.

  • Biden-Harris Administration invests $7 million in 82 projects to improve water efficiency

    The Bureau of Reclamation today announced a $7 million investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in 82 small-scale water efficiency projects across the West. These grants will support local community projects, including measuring water flow, automating water delivery, or lining canals. Today’s funding is part of $1 billion provided through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the innovative WaterSMART program, which supports states, Tribes, and local entities as they plan for and implement actions to increase water supply through investments to modernize existing infrastructure and avoid potential water conflicts.

    Project Descriptions

Current Status

The FY24/25 Small-Scale Water Efficiency Program funding opportunity was posted November 2, 2023. Selections for round 1 of funding was announced May 23rd, 2024. Applications for the second round of funding were due July 9, 2024 and are currently under review. Applications for the third round of funding are due January 14, 2025.


Have a question regarding the funding opportunity or project eligibility questions? Request a meeting through our bookings site.

News Releases

May 23, 2024
Reclamation announces $3.7M in WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency grants for 41 projects

January 5, 2023
Biden-Harris Administration invests $7 million in 82 projects to improve water efficiency

August 31, 2021
Reclamation awards $5.5 million to 82 water improvement projects in 16 western states

June 22, 2020
Reclamation provides $3.3 million to 52 WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects

September 5, 2019
Reclamation selects 63 projects to receive $4.1 million to improve water efficiency and reliability

Last Updated: 8/29/24