- Reclamation
- WaterSMART
- Reservoir Operations Pilots
Reservoir Operations Pilots
Through the Reservoir Operations Pilot Initiative, Reclamation uses modeling and forecasting tools to identify ways to increase flexibility in reservoir operations to support optimal water management.
For more information regarding the Reservoir Operations Pilot program please contact Sean Kimbrel at skimbrel@usbr.gov or 720-576-1323.
Reclamation releases report to show benefits of alternative reservoir operations
The Bureau of Reclamation today released the final report for a pilot study assessing the economic and environmental benefits of alternative reservoir operations. The study - Economic Benefits of Alternative Reservoir Operations for Lake Mendocino - identifies innovative approaches to improve flood mitigation and drought resiliency using Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations. Read More →.
Bureau of Reclamation releases report on reservoir operations pilot study for Salt and Verde Rivers in Arizona
The Bureau of Reclamation has released a report that identifies innovative approaches to improve drought resiliency within the Washita Basin in Oklahoma. The study specifically looked at Foss and Fort Cobb Reservoirs, and the approach can be applied anywhere across the Western United States.