Hydropower Program

Reports and Data

Replacements Book

The Replacements Book identifies critical water resource and power system units of property and associated service lives based on empirical data and subject matter expert input. Historically published by Reclamation and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), the two agencies have used the Replacements Book to inform the planning, budgeting, and repayment of power system maintenance, replacement, and refurbishment activities. Beginning in FY2013, Reclamation and WAPA partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) to update the Replacements Book. The update was administered through a Steering Committee, representing agency power and finance personnel. USACE and Bonneville participation promotes more consistent financial reporting and rate setting processes across the Federal hydropower community. The updated Book was published in FY2017.

An errata was issued on October 6, 2017 to correct Intake Gates (Table Item #42, p. 4-49) service life. The assigned 100 year service life was a typo. Intake Gates service life has been corrected to read 50 years, per Justification Number 29 (p. App-47). The correction - as well as updated agency logos - is reflected in 2017 REVISION 1.1.

The current Replacements Book (2017 REVISION 1.1) is linked below:

Facility Data

Link to detailed information about our facilities from any of the links below:

Clickable Map
USBR Facilities, Operated and Maintained by Reclamation (Listed by Name)
USBR Facilities Operated and Maintained by Others
FERC Licenses on Reclamation Facilities
LOPP Development on Reclamation Facilities
Active USBR Facilities, Operated and Maintained by Reclamation, Monthly and Annual Performance Data (10 Years)*
Phone and Address List

* As indicated in the data file, facility data is considered PROVISIONAL and is subject to revision. Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of this information before using.

Power Documents

Facilities Instructions, Standards and Techniques (FIST) Manuals

Hydropower Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

To help position Federal hydropower to meet the Nation’s need for reliable and affordable renewable hydropower, the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Energy's Water Power Technology Office and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers signed a Federal Hydropower Generation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at Hoover Dam August 24, 2020. The MOU provides for a collaborative working relationship that prioritizes similar goals and aligns ongoing and future renewable energy development efforts among the three agencies.

“Reclamation continues to invest in strategies that improve and increase the stability and value of the hydropower for states, Tribes, and customers. This MOU strengthens our collective commitment to provide affordable, environmentally sustainable hydropower for America’s energy needs today and, in the future.” - Commissioner Brenda Burman.

The 2020 Federal Hydropower Memorandum of Understanding is linked below.

2020 Federal Hydropower Memorandum of Understanding

See former, expired Memorandum of Understanding linked below.

2010 Signed MOU

2012 Two-year Progress Report

2015 Signed MOU Extension

2015 Phase II Action Plan

Bureau of Reclamation Sustainable Energy Strategy (FY2013 - FY2017)

A new sustainable energy strategic plan released on November 14, 2013 will help guide the Bureau of Reclamation into the future as the agency continues its vital role in developing and supporting renewable energy production for the nation's power grid.

Six long-term strategic objectives to further Reclamation's sustainable energy mission were developed to help guide Reclamation in this important endeavor:

  • Increase renewable generation from Reclamation projects.
  • Facilitate non-federal development of renewable energy projects.
  • Increase energy savings and conservation at Reclamation projects.
  • Support integration of variable non-dispatchable renewable resources in the United States electrical grid.
  • Increase benefits of renewable energy through technological innovation.
  • Improve management efficiencies related to the implementation of renewable energy and energy savings projects.

Reclamation Sustainable Energy Strategy

Hydropower Resource Assessments

Potential Hydroelectric Development at Existing Federal Facilities for Section 1834 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (May 2007)

This report complies with Section 1834 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Section 1834) that requires the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of the Army, and the Secretary of Energy to “jointly conduct a study assessing the potential for increasing electric power production at federally owned or operated water regulation, storage, and conveyance facilities.” The study participants included select staff of the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Western Area Power Administration, the Southeastern Power Administration, the Southwestern Power Administration, and the Bonneville Power Administration.

The study examined 871 existing federal facilities, with and without hydroelectric generating capability, assessing their physical capacity for generation or generation expansion and their economic viability based on comparisons with regional electric power rates. The report does not include any assessments of lands not under federal domain or consider new dam construction. In addition, the study participants developed and included assessment tools for generating capacity and economic viability that may be used and updated for future use.

The 1834 Report contains no recommendations. Rather, the report only attempts to give a broad inventory and assessment of future hydropower development at federal facilities under the jurisdiction of the participating agencies. The report is in pdf format. Additional analysis tools are included below.

Hydropower Resources Assessment at Existing Reclamation Facilities (March 2011)

As a component of the MOU for Hydropower, and recognizing the current national emphasis on renewable energy and its extensive existing water infrastructure systems, Reclamation has produced the Hydropower Resource Assessment at Existing Reclamation Facilities (Resource Assessment) to assess hydropower development at existing facilities to contribute to nationwide renewable energy strategies. This report provides a reconnaissance level assessment of the hydropower potential at 530 sites throughout Reclamation including dams, diversion dams, and some canals and tunnels. All 530 sites were considered in the analysis, of which, 191 sites were determined to have some level of hydropower potential. 70 of those sites, with a total of 225 MW of generation capacity, also show some economic potential for hydropower development. Despite its preliminary level of analysis, the Resource Assessment provides valuable information on hydropower potential at existing Reclamation facilities. In addition to the report, the “Hydropower Energy and Economic Analysis Tool” is an integral feature of the report that is being made available to the public. This tool is a model that allows interested parties to conduct reconnaissance level hydropower assessments with minimal data inputs (location, flow and head). The tool is available at the link below.

Site Inventory and Hydropower Energy Assessment of Reclamation Owned Conduits (March 2012)

The "Site Inventory and Hydropower Energy Assessment of Reclamation Owned Conduits" report builds off of the Hydropower Resource Assessmentat Existing Reclamation Facilities published in March 2011. This new report identifies potential hydropower sites on Reclamation owned conduits and determines those sites’ capacity and energy potential. In addition, this study identifies proximity to distribution or transmission lines, and provides site maps for the identified sites.

The report identifies 103,628 kW of potential capacity, and 365,218,846 kWh of potential annual generation on 373 Reclamation conduit sites located in 13 western states.

Hydropower Resource Assessment Sites Available for Development (August 2018)

A number of Resource Assessment sites have been developed by non-federal entities and currently in operation, with many more sites in some stage of active development. The file linked above identifies those Resource Assessment sites currently available for development.

Pumped Storage Evaluation Special Study (July 2013)

The Pumped Storage Evaluation Special Study identifies four existing reservoir sites within the Reclamation service area for potential pumped storage. These initial sites were chosen due to their existing infrastructure which included existing upper and lower storage reservoirs, and existing power plant infrastructure. These sites were: Yellowtail/Bighorn Lake, Seminoe and Pathfinder reservoirs in the Great Plains Region, and Trinity Reservoir in the Mid-Pacific Region. After a preliminary screening analysis, Reclamation selected to continue evaluating potential pumped storage at Yellowtail, Seminoe, and Trinity reservoirs.

Reclamation-Wide Pumped Storage Screening Study (September 2014)

Building on the Pumped Storage Evaluation Special Study findings, the Reclamation-Wide Pumped Storage Screening Study investigates the potential for pumped storage projects at existing Reclamation-owned reservoirs. This study is a resource assessment to identify locations throughout Reclamation’s service area where a pumped storage project may be technically, environmentally and economically viable and could contribute to meeting energy objectives in the future. It represents a preliminary screening level of analysis and is not a feasibility level investigation.

Two errata have been issued for the Screening Study:

An errata (1.1) was issued in March 2020 to address an error in the screening-level equipment cost for both the Mead and Apache sites located in the Lower Colorado Region. The other regions and sites were not affected. This correction also impacted the construction cost and $/MW installed capacity for the Lower Colorado sites and cost/overall ranking of the 108 pumped storage alternative sites that were evaluated during this effort.

An errata (1.2) was issued in September 2020 to incorporate Pacific Northwest Site Location and Layout Maps into Appendix A.

Corrections are reflected in Reclamation-Wide Pumped Storage Screening Study (Errata 1.2) files linked below:

Assessment of Potential Capacity Increases at Existing Hydropower Plants (October 2010)

This report assesses potential capacity and efficiency gains at existing, Reclamation-owned hydroelectric power facilities. Assessments were performed at the planning-level (reconnaissance-level) for purposes of screening between plants. Additional more detailed feasibility-level studies of individual plants would be needed to make final investment decisions at those specific plants that show promise for capacity additions in this study.

Non-Hydropower Renewable Energy (N-HRE) Development on Bureau of Reclamation Projects

Reclamation Manual Directive and Standard (D&S), Use Authorizations (LND 08-01) sets forth requirements, in part, for issuing use authorization documents allowing others to use land, facilities, and waterbodies under the Bureau of Reclamation’s jurisdiction for non-hydropower renewable energy (N-HRE) projects. Requirements for issuing use authorizations for the purposes of N-HRE development are defined in LND 08-01, Paragraph 6.D.(1).

  • Use Authorizations (LND 08-01)

    The Use Authorizations for Non-Hydro Renewable Energy on Reclamation Lands Guidebook assists Reclamation personnel in screening, processing, and administering use authorizations for N-HRE projects on Reclamation lands consistent with LND 08-01 (formerly FAC 04-16) requirements. Reclamation has designed the guidebook to avoid “reinventing” authorization methodology and help promote consistency among Department of Interior agencies handling N-HRE projects on federal lands.

  • Guidebook – Use Authorizations for Non-Hydro Renewable Energy on Reclamation Lands (September 2015)

    The Considerations for Floatovoltaics on Reclamation Reservoirs Report is designed to inform Reclamation decision-making and evaluation of floating solar (FPV) proposals. The Report addresses policy, economic, evaporation suppression, safety, environmental, and recreation and public perception considerations, and also includes four case studies highlighting unique considerations at different Reclamation reservoirs.

  • Considerations for Floatovoltaics on Reclamation Reservoirs (November 2021)

    Further information on Reclamation's use authorization process is available on the Use of Reclamation Land, Facilities, and Waterbodies website.

    Inventory of Reclamation Water Surface Storage Studies with Hydropower Components

    Report to Congress Implementing Provisions of Section 1840 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58) . This report complies with Section 1840 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 requiring the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Bureau of Reclamation, to develop a report "identifying and describing the status of potential hydropower facilities included in water surface storage studies undertaken by the Secretary for projects that have not been completed or authorized for construction" since 1939.

    This report contains no recommendations. However, it does serve as a useful reference tool for understanding the magnitude and scope of historical study activities in specific locations. The report is in .pdf format.

    Bureau of Reclamation Generation Summary Summaries

    The Bureau of Reclamation - Hydropower Generation Summary

    Reclamation’s hydropower program supports Administration and Department domestic energy security initiatives – facilitating the development of untapped hydropower potential on federal water resource projects through a number of activities, including collaborative regulatory reform; operational and technological innovation; and stakeholder outreach. Collectively, these activities derive additional value and revenue from existing public infrastructure. This update identifies federal and non-federal hydropower facilities and associated generating capacity currently online or in development on Reclamation projects – and reports on incremental hydropower capability installed within the reported quarter(s), as applicable. The Hydropower Generation Summary - with an emphasis on hydropower capacity - replaces the Renewable Update (see below). 

     Generation Summary 24 Q1  Generation Summary 24 Q2  Generation Summary 24 Q3  Generation Summary 24 Q4
     Generation Summary 23 Q1  Generation Summary 23 Q2  Generation Summary 23 Q3  Generation Summary 23 Q4
     Generation Summary 22 Q1  Generation Summary 22 Q2  Generation Summary 22 Q3  Generation Summary 22 Q4
     Generation Summary 21 Q1  Generation Summary 21 Q2  Generation Summary 21 Q3  Generation Summary 21 Q4
     Generation Summary 20 Q1  Generation Summary 20 Q2  Generation Summary 20 Q3  Generation Summary 20 Q4
     Generation Summary 19 Q1  Generation Summary 19 Q2  Generation Summary 19 Q3  Generation Summary 19 Q4
        Generation Summary 18 Q1/Q2  Generation Summary 18 Q3  Generation Summary 18 Q4

    The Bureau of Reclamation Renewable Update

    Released quarterly from FY2015 - FY2017, the Bureau of Reclamation Renewable Energy Update identifies federal and non-federal renewable energy projects currently online or in development on Reclamation land, facilities, and water bodies and highlights current Reclamation renewable activities. The update provides Reclamation-wide and regional summaries, renewable energy portfolios, and project updates as well as a listing of WaterSMART Grant projects that have a renewable energy component. Releases are available below.

    Reclamation Renewable Update FY17 Q4 Reclamation Renewable Update FY16 Q4 Reclamation Renewable Update FY15 Q4
    Reclamation Renewable Update FY17 Q3 Reclamation Renewable Update FY16 Q3 Reclamation Renewable Update FY15 Q3
    Reclamation Renewable Update FY17 Q2 Reclamation Renewable Update FY16 Q2 Reclamation Renewable Update FY15 Q2
    Reclamation Renewable Update FY17 Q1 Reclamation Renewable Update FY16 Q1 Reclamation Renewable Update FY15 Q1


  • Last Updated: 9/8/24