Dam Safety Process and Schedule

Dam Safety Process and Schedule

Process & Schedule

The above flow chart describes Reclamation’s dam safety process milestones and schedule, from pre-design to the post construction phase. Currently, the project is in the pre-design phase and will transition to final design in 2024. During the pre-design phase, two structural alternatives were selected for further evaluation. In final design, the alternatives will be narrowed down to one structural alternative.

Dam safety milestone definitions:

Pre-design: The process of evaluating and analyzing alternatives.

Final design: The engineering preferred alternative is prepared for solicitation, bid and construction. Any environmental impacts will be evaluated and the authorization to expend funds will be obtained.

Bid process: The process of selecting a contractor.

Construction: Construction of the preferred alternative.

Post construction: The process ensuring the construction was completed as designed and the modifications decreased the potential risk to the dam as compared to pre-modification.


Christopher Regilski
Regional Safety of Dams Coordinator

Columbia–Pacific Northwest Region
Bureau of Reclamation
1150 N Curtis Road
Boise, Idaho 83706-1234

Last Updated: 2/20/24