Native American Affairs Program

Tribal Domestic Water Supplies Program

Featured Resources:
Tribal Domestic Water Supplies Program
Program Purpose
Program Authority
Funding Announcements

With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Reclamation will carry out a Domestic Water Supplies for Disadvantaged Communities Program to assist Federally recognized Tribes or Tribal Organizations, as defined by 25 U.S.C. 5304(e), in the 17 Western states for the planning, design, or construction of water projects to provide domestic water supplies to communities or households that do not have reliable access to domestic water supplies.

Program direction and leadership is provided by Reclamation's Native American and International Affairs Office (NAIAO) within the Commissioner’s Office.

For more information or questions regarding this program, please email NAIAO at:

The primary purpose of the Tribal Domestic Water Supplies Program is to fund projects for domestic water supplies to existing Tribal households or communities that do not have reliable access to domestic water supplies.  Domestic water supplies are for human use and consumption.  Domestic water supplies for communities include a communal benefit (e.g., school, hospital, nursing home, etc.).

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Section 50231. Domestic Water Supply Projects
"Bureau of Reclamation Domestic Water Supply Projects. In addition to amounts otherwise available, there is appropriated to the Secretary, acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation, for fiscal year 2022, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $550,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2031, for grants, contracts, or financial assistance agreements for disadvantaged communities (identified according to criteria adopted by the Commissioner of Reclamation) in a manner as determined by the Commissioner of Reclamation for up to 100 percent of the cost of the planning, design, or construction of water projects the primary purpose of which is to provide domestic water supplies to communities or households that do not have reliable access to domestic water supplies in a State or territory described in the first section of the Act of June 17, 1902 (43 U.S.C. 391; 32 Stat. 388, chapter 1093)."

Executive Order 14008
"Affirms the advancement of environmental justice for all through the development and funding of programs to invest in disadvantaged communities."

Funding Announcements

  • Awarded Funding

    Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $82 Million To Bring Clean Drinking Water to Tribal Communities

    October 31, 2024 – The U.S. Department of the Interior announced a nearly $82 million investment from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to bring clean, safe drinking water to Tribal communities in the West.  The investment will fund 23 projects through a new program established through the Inflation Reduction Act—the largest climate investment ever.
    Read News Release →

    More Information:
    Complete List and Description of Projects

  • Funding Opportunity - Closed August 4, 2024

    Biden-Harris Administration Announces $320 Million for Tribal Domestic Water Infrastructure

    April 2, 2024 – The U.S. Department of the Interior announced that up to $320 million is available under President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, through Reclamation, to assist federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations as they plan and construct domestic water infrastructure.  Read News Release →

Last Updated: 3/7/25