Native American Affairs Program

Commissioner's Office and Regional Support for the Native American Affairs Program (Program Support)

For more information about the roles of the Native American Affairs Program within the Commissioner's Office and the
Reclamation regions who support it, please click on the map below for the office or region of interest.

The Commissioner's Office in Washington, D.C. and Denver, Colorado (both designated by clickable stars in the map below) and the Reclamation regions can also be found via the links in the left-hand navigation column.

Map of Unified Interior Regional Boundaries Columbia-Pacific Northwest (Interior Region 9) California-Great Basin (Interior Region 10) Lower Colorado Basin (Interior Region 8) Native American and International Affairs Office (Part of the Commissioner's Office) in Denver, Colorado Commissioner's Office in Washington, D.C. Missouri Basin and Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf (Interior Regions 5 and 6)
New Unified Interior Regional Boundaries.

Note:  The U.S. Department of the Interior reorganized 49 regions across 8 bureaus to 12 unified Interior Regions to add greater efficiency, accountability, collaboration, and consistency across its bureaus.  Reclamation is now composed of Interior Regions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, which are all shown in the map above, as well as listed in the left-hand navigation column.

Last Updated: 12/7/20