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- Three-Year Summary of Fish Salvaged at the TFCF
Three-Year Summary of Fish Salvaged at the TFCF
These data represent the period of April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2003. For this period, average pumping at the Tracy Pumping Plant was 2,480,000 acre-ft/year and total fish salvage was 6,520,000 fish/year. Daily salvage estimates were based on 10-minute counts performed at the TFCF and reported to the California Department of Fish and Game. Data are rounded to three significant figures.
Common Name | Genus and Species | Family | Fish Salvaged/year, 3-Year Average | 3-Year Percent of Fish Salvaged |
Threadfin shad | Dorosoma petenense | Clupeidae | 4,550,000 | 69.8% |
Striped bass | Morone saxatilis | Moronidae | 771,000 | 11.8% |
American shad | Alosa sapidissima | Clupeidae | 541,000 | 8.30% |
Yellowfin goby | Acanthogobius flavimanus | Gobiidae | 270,000 | 4.14% |
White catfish | Ameiurus catus | Ictaluridae | 119,000 | 1.83% |
Bluegill | Lepomis macrochirus | Centrarchidae | 79,100 | 1.21% |
Chinook salmon | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | Salmonidae | 31,900 | 0.488% |
Inland silverside | Menidia beryllina | Atherinidae | 30,300 | 0.465% |
Largemouth bass | Micropterus salmoides | Centrarchidae | 24,300 | 0.373% |
Splittail | Pogonichthys macrolepidotus | Cyprinidae | 23,200 | 0.356% |
Delta smelt | Hypomesus transpacificus | Osmeridae | 19,300 | 0.296% |
Channel catfish | Ictalurus punctatus | Ictaluridae | 17,200 | 0.264% |
Longfin smelt | Spirinchus thaleichthys | Osmerdidae | 16,100 | 0.246% |
Golden shiner | Notemigonus crysoleucas | Cyprinidae | 7,410 | 0.114% |
Prickly sculpin | Cottus asper | Cottidae | 4,770 | 0.0732% |
Steelhead trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Salmonidae | 4,350 | 0.0668% |
Black crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus | Centrarchidae | 1,420 | 0.0217% |
Redear sunfish | Lepomis microlophus | Centrarchidae | 1,220 | 0.0187% |
Lampreys, all species | 1,210 | 0.0186% | ||
Shimofuri goby | Tridentiger bifasciatus | Gobiidae | 1,180 | 0.0180% |
Bigscale logperch | Percina macrolepida | Percidae | 1,050 | 0.0160% |
Warmouth | Lepomis gulosus | Centrarchidae | 932 | 0.0143% |
Tule perch | Hysterocarpus traski | Embiotocidae | 460 | <0.010% |
Threespine stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Gasterosteidae | 292 | < 0.010% |
Brown bullhead | Ameiurus nebulosus | Ictaluridae | 280 | <0.010% |
Sacramento sucker | Catostomus occidentalis | Catostomidae | 192 | < 0.010% |
Mosquitofish | Gambusia affinus | Poeciliidae | 188 | < 0.010% |
Common carp | Cyprinus carpio | Cyprinidae | 173 | < 0.010% |
Wakasagi | Hypomesus nipponensis | Osmeridae | 148 | < 0.010% |
Pacific staghorn sculpin | Leptocottus armatus | Cottidae | 76 | < 0.010% |
Fathead minnow | Pimephales promelas | Cyprinidae | 72 | < 0.010% |
White crappie | Pomoxis annularis | Centrarchidae | 64 | < 0.010% |
Striped mullet | Mugil cephalus | Mugilidae | 44 | < 0.001% |
Riffle sculpin | Cottus gulosus | Cottidae | 40 | < 0.001% |
Starry Flounder | Platichthys stellatus | Pleuronectidae | 36 | < 0.001% |
Red shiner | Cyprinella lutrensis | Cyprinidae | 28 | < 0.001% |
Goldfish | Carassius auratus | Cyprinidae | 24 | < 0.001% |
Sacramento blackfish | Orthodon microlepidotus | Cyprinidae | 24 | < 0.001% |
Blue catfish | Ictalurus furcatus | Ictaluridae | 16 | < 0.001% |
Sacramento pikeminnow | Ptychocheilus grandis | Cyprinidae | 12 | < 0.0001% |
Black bullhead | Ameiurus melas | Ictaluridae | 9 | < 0.001% |
Chameleon goby | Tridentiger trigonocephalus | Gobiidae | 8 | < 0.001% |
Green sturgeon | Acipenser medirostris | Acipenseridae | 8 | < 0.001% |
Hardhead | Mylopharodon conocephalus | Cyprinidae | 4 | < 0.001% |
Hitch | Lavinia exilicauda | Cyprinidae | 4 | < 0.001% |
Miscellaneous Species | 4 | < 0.001% |
J. Carl Dealy, TFFIP Manager
(209) 836-6236
Last Updated: 11/9/20