- Reclamation
- Missouri Basin and Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf
- Programs & Activities
- CMR&I – Construction Activities
Crow Tribe Municipal, Rural, and Industrial Water System – Construction Activities
The length of time to design and construct the proposed project has been estimated at approximately 15 to 20 years, with construction estimated for completion in 2030. Given the size and types of work required for the proposed project, construction phasing would be necessary. Design, permitting, and construction planning activities would continue throughout project construction. Some projects would be constructed concurrently, and construction would be done year-round, as appropriate. Construction phasing would provide that only those areas slated for immediate assembly would be disturbed, thereby limiting the length of time that construction impacts would last at any one site.
Construction of the MR&I system has been divided into 23 major projects, as listed in the Master Plan, and annual updates. These projects have been prioritized based on logistical progression, need, and Tribal direction. Construction would begin with the top priorities, which include the intake structure and the WTP.