Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Functional Area : Engineering and Design Services

Executive Sponsor
Bill McDonald, Regional Director Pacific Northwest

Reclamation must determine and achieve the appropriate level of core capabilities needed to fulfill its mission responsibilities and provide optimum value to its customers.  Reclamation will ensure an appropriate and efficient level of staff is maintained to meet identified current and future workload demands.

Concept Paper

Item No.
Action Item Time Frame Team Leader Results
9 Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of historical and near-term workload in this area, including all design, estimating, and construction management work from the TSC, regions, and area offices. More 3/2006 - 7/2006 Jamie Macartney Available
10 Evaluate the identified workload in terms of its commercial, commercial core, and/or inherently governmental nature, in accordance with the definitions in OMB Circular A-76. This will include the critical determination of the sustainable core capability needed to achieve Reclamation’s mission-critical work. More 8/2006 - 11/2006 Gayle Shanahan Available
11 Analyze the unit to unit costs of in-house performance of the commercial workload vs. outsourcing. More 8/2006 - 11/2006 Jamie Macartney Available
12 Based on the results of the foregoing, complete a right-sizing process with regard to design, estimating, and construction management staff within the agency, including determination of the appropriate location and distribution of technical capability. A transition plan will then be developed and implemented to achieve the determined size, type, and location of staff resources. More 11/2006 - 7/2007 Jamie Macartney
Perry Hensley
13 Analyze the potential benefits and requirements/tradeoffs associated with alternative funding of the engineering and design staff. This would include an analysis of whether the costs of maintaining core capabilities within the TSC should appropriately be funded by direct appropriations, by water and power customers, or by some combination of the two. More 6/2007 - 8/2007 Larry Walkoviak  
14 Implement design engineering estimate oversight functions associated with the DEC/DSO position; identify and conduct pilot reviews of key project feature construction estimates during FY 2006. More 3/2006 - 6/2006 Perry Hensley Available
15 Establish agency policies and procedures for the oversight of design and construction estimates. More 6/2006 - 10/2006 Perry Hensley Available
16 Analyze Reclamation’s engineering standards; both the appropriateness of them and how they are applied internally and externally. More 7/2006 - 12/2006 Jerry Kelso Available

Last Updated: March 21, 2008