Seedskadee Revocation Project, Wyoming
Final Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact

Provo Area Office Home   Environmental Documents 

The Seedskadee Revocation Project Environmental Assessment has been prepared to disclose and analyze the environmental consequences of the Bureau of Reclamation, Provo Area Office’s proposed revocation of its withdrawal of certain lands from the Bureau of Land Management administration in southwest Wyoming for the Seedskadee Project. The EA analyzes the potential impacts that could result from the implementation of the proposed action as well as the potential impacts of a no action alternative. Reclamation’s intent to revoke its withdrawal was made pursuant to the rules, regulations, and policies contained in 43 CFR 2370 and 603 DM 1.

 Final Environmental Assessment
4.5 MB
 Finding of No Significant Impact
169 KB
 Public Notice of Availability Letter
4.6 MB


Last Updated: 5/26/17