Final Environmental Assessment
Orchard Mesa Irrigation District Canal
System Improvement Project

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On behalf of the Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Reclamation proposes to construct system improvements for the Orchard Mesa Irrigation District Division of the Grand Valley Project. The improvements will provide a more reliable water supply throughout the canal system and generate an estimated 17,000 ac-ft. of water savings per year. The savings result from reduced main canal and lateral spills, recovering spills from main canals in urban areas, and elimination of spills from the Mutual Mesa Lateral. Conserved water would then be redirected to the Grand Valley Power Plant (power plant) to increase hydropower generation and river flows in the 15-Mile Reach . Existing water shortages to urban and agricultural water users would also be reduced. Reclamation and OMID will enter into an agreement for operations and maintenance of the system improvements.  

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service identified the need for additional flows within the 15-Mile Reach (Service 1999) and the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program has identified the proposed project as a source to contribute additional flows. The purpose of the project is to assist in recovery of four endangered fishes. Reclamation prepared this EA in cooperation with other federal and state agencies to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, and related U.S. Department of the Interior policies and regulations. If, based on this analysis, Reclamation concludes the proposed action would have no significant impact on the human environment; preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement would not be required before the action could be implemented.

 Final Environmental Assessment
13.8 MB
 Finding of No Significant Impact
426 KB


Last Updated: 5/26/17