Hydropower Program

About Us

Over the past century, federal hydropower generated at Reclamation projects has served project load, enabling Reclamation to convey water across the arid western United States. In addition, surplus power (Reclamation hydropower generation surplus to project load requirements) marketed by Department of Energy Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs) has provided Reclamation a steady source of revenue for project repayment and investment.

Reclamation is the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States – owning 77 facilities in total. Of the 77, Reclamation directly operates and maintains 53, comprising over 14,750 megawatts of capacity. On average, the 53 "reserved" facilities generate 40 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity each year – the equivalent demand of over 3.8 million US homes. The remaining 24 plants are operated and maintained by a non-federal entity under the provisions of a formal transfer contract or agreement. Six of the 25 plants generate "federal" power marketed by Department of Energy Power Marketing Administrations (Deer Creek, McPhee, Olmsted, O'Neill, San Luis, and Towaoc). In total, 59 Reclamation hydroelectric powerplants generate federal power, marketed by Power Marketing Administrations. Reliable, low-cost hydropower generated at Reclamation projects has provided tremendous value to the nation, spurring the development of the western United States through the provision of firm electric power to rural communities as well as ancillary services to support western interconnect grid reliability.

Reclamation administers a comprehensive power operations and maintenance (PO&M) program to ensure our power facilities are safe, reliable, and cost effective. Reclamation also administers an electric reliability compliance (RC) program to ensure facilities comply with applicable standards to support a reliable bulk electric system. All Reclamation power facilities undergo periodic assessments to evaluate PO&M and RC program implementation.

 [Map showing location of Reclamation facilities in the Western United States]
Facility Map

Hydropower Value

Hydropower is a renewable, carbon-neutral energy resource. Hydropower is a non-consumptive use of water – water flowing through a turbine is available for downstream use and is naturally replenished by snow and rainfall.

Hydropower is a dynamic resource uniquely fitted to provide both firm power and grid support services to support the transmission of electricity in a safe, reliable manner. Grid support services are particularly valuable in balancing areas absorbing, intermittent, non-dispatchable energy resources such as solar power in the Southwest and wind power in the Pacific Northwest.

Organization and Staffing

The Bureau of Reclamation is part of the U.S. Department of the Interior. At the head of our organization is the Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation. Our Power Resources Office develops and coordinates policy, provides advice, and assists in managing Reclamation's power program. Our Regional and Area Offices oversee the operation of our individual power facilities. We provide information about the organization, staffing, responsibilities, and contacts for these offices.

Manager, Power Resources Office
P.O. Box 25007, Bldg 67, 86-61100
Denver, CO 80225-0007
(303) 445-2931
FAX (303) 445-6693

Power Resources Office Directory


To deliver power to our customers, we partner with a number of organizations. In 1977, the responsibility for marketing and transmission of our power was transferred to the newly created Power Marketing Administrations. We work with Western Area Power Administration and the Bonneville Power Administration to deliver power to our customers. We maintain memberships in a number of electric utility organizations.

Additional Information:

Last Updated: 9/10/24