Who We Are

The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.
Originally conceived under the Reclamation Act of 1902 as a means to help settle the West by providing infrastructure for agricultural development, the Reclamation program focused on the construction of dams and facilities to store and convey water. As the potential for additional project purposes was identified by the states and local entities, Congress supplemented the Reclamation Act to add hydropower production, flood control, municipal and industrial water, recreation, and fish and wildlife enhancement to the list of authorized project purposes.
Today, Reclamation projects continue to support this multipurpose mission. And, as the demand for water increases, Reclamation is improving its water management expertise and expanding partnerships with states, Indian tribes, local communities, and other Federal agencies to meet the increased demand for water. Existing projects are being modified to meet the changing needs and desires of society, to support economic development, to enhance environmental benefits, and to continue to ensure public safety.
Snake River Area Office
The Snake River Area Office (SRAO) is in Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region and has its headquarters in Boise, Idaho. Lanie Paquin is the Area Manager, and she oversees all aspects of the management, development and protection of water and related resources in the Snake River drainage basin.
The Snake River Area Office has a staff of over 150 employees, and includes two field offices — the Middle Snake Field Office and the Upper Snake Field Office. The Middle Snake Field Office, also located in Boise, manages projects in eastern Oregon and western Idaho. The Upper Snake Field Office, located in Heyburn, manages projects in eastern Idaho and western Wyoming.
Through the operation and maintenance of our 27 dams and six powerplants, the Snake River Area Office provides valuable services including delivery of water, generation of power, flood control prevention, and recreation opportunities. Reclamation also places great emphasis on continual compliance with the Endangered Species Act; looking to the future with our planning efforts; developing partnerships with our customers, states, and Native American tribes; and promoting public awareness through Water Conservation activities.
By encouraging partnerships, the Snake River Area Office can bring together a variety of interests in order to maximize the beneficial uses of the Snake River Basin’s limited water resources.
Directions to the Snake River Area Office >>