- Reclamation
- Columbia–Pacific Northwest Region
- About Us
- Employment
The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.
Transcript PDF 85 kb
Hydromechanic: Forging a Hydroelectric Future
Transcript PDF 23 kb -
Project Manager
Selena Moore
Transcript PDF 17 kb -
Donna DeWinkler
Transcript PDF 39 kb -
Mechanical Engineer
Don Jones
Transcript PDF 142 kb -
Procurement Specialist
Fred Jordan
Transcript PDF 130 kb -
Security Guard
Dustin Busse
Transcript PDF 66 kb -
Civil Engineer
Jaime Huerta
Transcript 70 kb -
Revitalizing and Managing the Nation's Powerhouse
Transcript PDF 146 kb
The Bureau of Reclamation staffs a wide variety of occupations such as, engineer, biologist,
administrative personnel, accountant, economist, information technology specialist, technician,
electrician, machinist, boilermaker, driller, plant mechanic, and powerplant operator.
Area Information for Job Seekers >>
Information about Student Employment >>
Applicants with Federal Status
Current federal employees in permanent positions, and former employees of the Federal Government
who held a permanent position for three years or more, typically have "federal status". This
means that they can apply for positions which are open only to those with federal status, and
those positions advertised "Governmentwide," "Departmentwide," or "Bureauwide." Carefully look
at the "Who May Apply" section of the announcement in which you are interested to learn if a
vacancy is open only to those with Federal status.
External Candidates
Most Pacific Northwest Region vacancies are also advertised externally; that is, applications
are also accepted from the general public, using a separate announcement. When applications are
being accepted from the general public, and the vacancy is for a position anticipated to last
more than 120 days, the announcement will be listed at
http://www.usajobs.gov. The web site is
described in the "Finding Out About Employment Opportunities" section below.
Finding Out About Employment Opportunities
You can find out about employment opportunities in all government agencies by accessing the
USAJOBS web site at
http://www.usajobs.gov. Federal Agencies
are required to advertise using USA JOBS for any position lasting 120 days or more. You may view
full text job announcements from all Government agencies, including the Department of the
Interior, which includes the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian
Affairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, National Park Service, Office of Surface Mining, U.S.
Geological Survey, and Minerals Management Service. You can search by agency, bureau,
occupation, or geographic location. You may register with USAJOBS, which will allow you to file
resumes into the system for ease of future application. You may also use the general employment
section of the web site to gain access to electronic forms required to apply to positions.
How to Apply
Review the list of openings via USAJOBS. Decide which jobs you are interested in, and note the
Announcement Number and Who May Apply information. If you are eligible to apply to the
announcement, follow the "How to Apply" instructions provided in the announcement. Some
vacancies advertised through USAJOBS require you to apply to an automated staffing system by
electronically submitting a resume and answering several job-related questions; other vacancies
require you to submit a hard copy application and narrative responses to job-related Knowledge,
Skills, and Abilities (KSAs). The How to Apply section of the announcement will tell you which
method is being used for the particular vacancy in which you are interested.
If the vacancy being advertised requires application via the electronic staffing system, you will submit your application and answers to the job-related questions online. In addition, the system may require you to fax certain documents in accordance with its instructions. If the vacancy being advertised requires hard copy application, you will be asked to submit a hard copy application and your responses to the KSAs, along with supporting documentation specified by the announcement. In those cases you may mail your application package to:
Bureau of Reclamation
1150 N Curtis Road
Boise, ID 83706-1234
or fax your application package to 208-378-5023. It is your responsibility to ensure that the fax was received intact.
The Bureau of Reclamation is an Equal Opportunity Employer