- Reclamation
- Invasive Mussels
- Contacts
To coordinate and provide direction on the response to the appearance of quagga and zebra mussels in the western waters, Reclamation chartered a Mussel Task Force. This task force consists of technical members from the Commissioner's Office and representatives from each of Reclamation's five regions.
Name | Office or Responsibility | Phone Number | |
Vacant | IPM/Invasive Species Coordinator | TBD | TBD |
Peter Soeth | Office of Communications | psoeth@usbr.gov | 303-445-3615 |
Sherri Pucherelli | Eco Lab & Research and Development | spucherelli@usbr.gov | 303-445-2015 |
Courtney Cobb | Lands Resources Team | ccobb@usbr.gov | 303-445-3273 |
Heidi McMaster | Columbia Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Western Montana) |
hmcmaster@usbr.gov | 208-378-6209 |
Melanie Lowe | California Great Basin (California and Nevada) |
mlowe@usbr.gov | 916-978-5118 |
Thomas Ashley | Lower Colorado Basin (Arizona and California) |
tcashley@usbr.gov | 702-293-8365 |
Robert Radtke | Upper Colorado Basin (Utah, New Mexico, and Western Colorado) |
rradtke@usbr.gov | 801-524-3719 |
Jacob Bradford | Missouri Basin/Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf (North & South Dakota, Eastern Montana, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, Eastern Colorado) |
jbradford@usbr.gov | 406-247-7720 |