Project Details
Title: Chapman Ranch Phase B Channel Rehabilitation Project
Tracking Number:
Summary: The Trinity River Restoration Program implements the 2000 Department of the Interior Record of Decision, which directs the Department to restore the Trinity River fisheries impacted by dam construction and related diversions of the Trinity River Division of the Central Valley Project. The TRRP proposes to construct the Chapman Ranch Phase B channel rehabilitation project to increase salmon and steelhead habitat downstream of Lewiston Dam. The project would be implemented in summer 2021. The Phase B project will complement the Phase A project constructed in 2019 and will involve mechanical channel rehabilitation activities on the mainstem Trinity River. The proposed project encompasses approximately 66 acres, which include 27 acres of Bureau of Land Management land, 29 acres of National Forest Service land, and 10 acres of private land, located about 2.5 miles south (upstream) of Junction City, California.
Megan Simon (530) 247-8513 530-275-2441
10/15/2020FONSI signed on October 8, 2020.
05/20/2020Draft EA available for review on May 20, 2020. Comments due by June 21, 2020.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
CGB-EA-2020-025 Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Site Chapman Ranch Phase B (River Mile 83.5 to 83.8) FONSI .pdf 290,973 B
CGB-EA-2020-025 Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Site Chapman Ranch Phase B (River Mile 83.5 to 83.8) Final Environmental Assessment/Initial Study .pdf 11,688,507 B
CGB-EA-2020-025 Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Site Chapman Ranch Phase B (River Mile 83.5 to 83.8) Draft Environmental Assessment/Initial Study .pdf 10,383,554 B