Project Details
Title: Natomas Central Mutual Water Company: NCMWC/RD 1000 SCADA Integration Project
Summary: The Bureau of Reclamation has awarded a CALFED Water Use Efficiency Grant to Natomas Central Mutual Water Company (NCMWC) for a supervisory control and data acquisition system from Reclamation District (RD)1000?s pumping plants, maintenance yard, and the NCMWC office. The project would install water level sensors, pump runtime meters, monitoring equipment, remote terminal units and radio masts at each site to improve drain water management and tailwater recovery. RD1000 is responsible for flood control and drain water management within the Natomas Basin where NCMWC is located.
Doug Kleinsmith (916) 978-5034 N/A
11/09/2018Environmental assessment available on September 24, 2018 for public review. Comments were due October 9, 2018. FONSI signed on November 8, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Natomas Central Mutual Water Company: NCMWC/RD 1000 SCADA Integration Project .pdf 485,792 B
Natomas Central Mutual Water Company/RD 1000 SCADA Integration Project EA .pdf 3,439,253 B