Project Details
Title: Alameda County Water District Rubber Dam #3 Fish Ladder Project
Summary: ACWD will construct a fish passage facility at ACWDs Rubber Dam #3 downstream of Mission Boulevard and Union Pacific Railroad Bridge. Construction includes modifying the Rubber Dam #3 foundation to incorporate a plunge pool for fish passage. ACWD will also replace the existing Rubber Dam #3 inflatable bag which will involve modifying the foundation to anchor the new bag material and make seismic related structural upgrades. The fish screens will be constructed between Rubber Dam #3 and Rubber Dam #1 and involves replacing the existing two Shinn Pond Diversions during or prior to modification of Rubber #1 which would allow steelhead access to lower Alameda Creek. Fish screens will be installed prior to the date that steelhead would be present in the area. The Proposed Action will improve anadromous fish passage in the urban reach of the Alameda Creek Watershed while maintaining ACWDs water supply operations at its groundwater recharge facilities.
Nathaniel Martin 916-978-6153 N/A
05/10/2018FONSI signed.
05/01/2018EA finalized
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Alameda County Water District Rubber Dam #3 Fish Ladder Project .pdf 117,709 B
Final EA - Alameda County Water District Rubber Dam #3 Fish Ladder .pdf 2,738,169 B