Project Details
Title: Upper Sacramento River Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Program
Tracking Number:
Summary: Reclamation proposes to create new side channels, modify existing side channels, and place gravel and instream habitat structure at several sites in the Sacramento River below Keswick Dam to Red Bluff Diversion Dam. Gravel would be placed to improve spawning at specific locations and to replenish spawning gravel downstream that is not replaced by upstream sources. Restoration actions included under the Proposed Action would occur through the year 2030.
Ben Nelson (916) 414-2424 (916) 414-2439
02/10/2016FONSI signed Feb 10, 2016.
11/25/2015Draft EA released for public review November 25, 2015. Comments due by COB on December 9, 2015.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI Upper Sacramento River Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Program .pdf 316,724 B
EA, Upper Sacramento River Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Program .pdf 954,296 B
EA - Appendix A, Upper Sacramento River Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Program .pdf 3,255,092 B
EA- Appendix B NMFS Biological Opinion .pdf 2,592,193 B
EA- Appendix C USFWS Concurrence Letter .pdf 1,822,549 B