Annual Workplan - 2005

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2005 Annual Workplan
Program Title View
01 Anadromous Fish Restoration Program (AFRP) 3406(b)(1) (506 KB)
02 Habitat Restoration Program 3406(b)(1) "Other" (222 KB)
03 Habitat Restoration Program - (San Joaquin River Riparian Habitat
Restoration Program)
3406(b)(1) "Other" (289 KB)
04 Identification of the Instream Flow Requirements for Anadromous Fish in the Streams
Within the Central Valley of California - CVPIA
3406(b)(1)(B) and (b)(12) (131 KB)
05 Dedicated Project Yield 3406(b)(2) (525 KB)
06 Water Acquisition Program 3406(b)(3), (d)(2), (g) (178 KBB)
07 Tracy Pumping Plant Tracy Fish Test Facility Project 3406(b)(4) (246 KB)
08 Contra Costa Canal Pumping Plant Mitigation Program, Contra Costa Canal Intake
Fish Screening Project
3406(b)(5) (260 KB)
09 Flow Fluctuation and Reservoir Storage 3406(b)(9), (b)(19) (119 KB)
10 Red Bluff Diversion Dam Fish Passage Program (Fish Passage Planning Program) 3406(b)(10) (378 KB)
11 Clear Creek Restoration 3406(b)(12) (456 KB)
12 Spawning Gravel Restoration Program 3406(b)(13) (480 KB)
13 Comprehensive Assessment and Monitoring Program (CAMP) 3406(b)(16) (118 KB)
14 Hamilton City Pumping Plant Fish Facility 3406(b)(20) (145 KB)
15 Anadromous Fish Screen Program (AFSP) 3406(b)(21) (838 KB)
16 Trinity River Restoration - Implementation of Nonflow Items Phase II 3406(b)(23) (473 KB)
17 San Joaquin River Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) 3406(c)(1) (291 KB)
18 Refuge Water Supply Program Refuge Water Conveyance (Wheeling) Component 3406(d)(1), (2), (5) (134 KB)
19 San Joaquin Basin Action Plan 3406(d)(5) (166 KB)
20 Refuge Water Supply Long-term Facilities Construction Project 3406(d)(5) (325 KB)
21 Ecological/Water Systems Operations Models 3406(g) (157 KB)
22 Land Retirement Program (LRP) 3408(h) (777 KB)
















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Last Updated: 1/8/21