- Reclamation
- California-Great Basin
- Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA)
- 3406(b)(1) Anadromous Fish Restoration Program
3406(b)(1) Anadromous Fish Restoration Program
Fish Resource Area
Section 3406(b) of the CVPIA provides for improving natural reproduction conditions of anadromous fish like Chinook Salmon. It addresses adverse environmental impacts of the CVP, mitigates fishery impacts associated with the the C.W. “Bill” Jones Pumping Plant, assists with protection of the waters of the Bay-Delta Estuary, and helps meet obligations under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). Along with the US Fish & Wildlife Service, CVPIA recently implemented aquatic habitat improvement projects on Clear Creek, the American, Stanislaus, Yuba, and upper Sacramento Rivers, Mill Creek, and Deer Creek.

Science Integration Team (SIT) and Structured Decision Making (SDM)
CVPIA established the SIT in 2015 to support SDM as an updated science-based framework to inform the use of the CVPIA’s Restoration Fund on Fish Resource Area projects. The SIT is a self-selected technical group made up of agency staff and stakeholders that follow the SDM process. The SIT works with local watershed groups and other local partners to advance the science of on-the-ground habitat and facility improvements in all Central Valley watersheds.
Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement
The Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Central Valley Project Improvement Act Fisheries Habitat and Facilities Improvement has been posted on www.grants.gov. All State governments; Non-profits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education); County, Special District, City or Township Governments; and Native American Tribal Governments (federally recognized) are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is November 30, 2021. To locate the notices from the grants.gov home page, select “Search Grants” on the menu bar then enter opportunity number "R21AS00617" in the "Funding Opportunity" search field to take you to the notices.
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