Welcome to the CVPCP/HRP projects database. The database contains basic information on projects funded by the programs since their inception. To conduct a search of program data, enter one or more project parameters that you wish to search for into the appropriate field(s) on the form below, then select "submit" at the bottom of the page. If no selections are made on the form, no results will be displayed. In order to select/unselect multiple parameters, click on the parameter while holding down the control key.


Range of Habitat Type Acres:

Range of Activity Acres:


Range of HRP BOR Funds:

Range of HRP FWS Funds:

Range of CVP BOR Funds:

Range of Total Project Cost:


Program Managers

Daniel Strait
Manager, CVP Conservation Program &
CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program
Bureau of Reclamation, MP-152
2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 978-5052

Caroline Prose
Manager, CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Pacific Southwest Region
2800 Cottage Way, Room W-2606
Sacramento, CA  95825
Phone: (916) 414-6575

These programs were established under the Endangered Species Act  biological opinions related to Central Valley Project (CVP) operations and Title 34 - Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) of Public Law 102-575 Section 3406 - Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Restoration.  

logos of the various agencies in partnership