Long-Term Water Transfer Program
The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the San Luis & Delta- Mendota Water Authority prepared a joint EIS/EIR to analyze the effects of water transfers from water agencies in northern California to water agencies south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) and in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The EIS/EIR addresses transfers of Central Valley Project (CVP) and non-CVP water supplies that require use of CVP or State Water Project (SWP) facilities to convey the transferred water. Water transfers would occur through various methods, including, but not limited to, groundwater substitution and cropland idling, and would include individual and multi-year transfers from 2015 through 2024.
Reclamation signed the Record of Decision on May 1, 2015.
- EIS/EIR Documents
- Programmatic Formal Consultation for Long Term Water Transfers (2015-2024) with Potential Effects on the Giant Garter Snake (PDF - 1.2 KB)
- Amended 2016 Proposed Water Transfers to the Programmatic Consultation for Bureau of Reclamation's Proposed Central Valley Project Long Term Water Transfers (2015-2024) with Potential Effects on the Giant Garter Snake (PDF - 1.3 KB)
- Memorandum: Withdrawal of Section 7 Consultation for the 2017 Water Year ofthe Central Valley Project Long -Term Water Transfers (20 15-2024) (Project) (Service reference 08ESMF00-2015-F-O11 6), March 16, 2017 (PDF - 159 KB)
- Memorandum: 2017 Project Description for the Central Valley Project Long Term Water Transfers (2015-2024) (Project), January 31, 2017 (PDF - 527 KB)
- 2016 Annual Compliance Report for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Central Valley Project Long-term Water Transfers (2015-2024) (PDF - 552 KB)
- 2015 Annual Compliance Report for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Central Valley Project Long-term Water Transfers (2015-2024) (PDF - 1.8 MB)
Brad Hubbard, Natural Resources Specialist
Shelly Hatleberg, Natural Resources Specialist
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