Project Status

June 2022 Status

Completed Work

Phase 1A

  • Removal of Wildcat Diversion Dam and Canal in 2010 to provide fish passage on North Fork Battle Creek. View before and after construction photos of Wildcat Diversion Dam removal (PDF - 1.3 MB).
  • Construction of fish barrier weir on Baldwin Creek in 2013, to protect the Darrah Springs State Trout Hatchery, located upstream, from diseases that anadromous fish may carry. View before and after construction photos of the Baldwin Creek Fish Barrier Weir (PDF - 211 KB).
  • Construction of automated fish screens and fish ladders at the Eagle Canyon Diversion Dam (ECDD) and North Battle Creek Feeder Diversion Dam (NBCDD) sites to provide fish passage on North Fork Battle Creek.
    • The fish screen and ladder facilities were constructed in 2012, and modifications to the facilities (to add automation and to improve canal diversions, fish screening and passage, and safety and access) were completed in 2018. During testing of the facilities in 2018–2019, newer fish criteria was brought forth (then what the facilities were designed for). From 2020 to 2022, the Restoration Project partners explored feasible options to incorporate the criteria operationally, and in April 2022, incidental take coverage for the criteria was provided by NMFS. Facility acceptance and transfer (to PG&E) is anticipated to occur in 2022. View before and after construction photos of NBCFDD (PDF - 1.1 MB) and ECDD (PDF - 624 KB).

Phase 1B

  • Construction of an approximate one-mile long Inskip Powerhouse bypass, and a tailrace connector.
    • Construction was completed in 2012; access road repairs and sediment erosion cleanup occurred in 2013; safety and facility access improvements occurred in 2014 and 2015; facility testing occurred in 2016 and 2017, and facility acceptance and transfer (to PG&E) occurred in 2019. View before and after construction photos of the Inskip Powerhouse penstock bypass and tailrace connector (PDF - 1.7 MB).

PG&E’S Intent to Not Renew FERC License in 2026

In late July 2018, PG&E informed the Restoration Project Partners that they do not intend to renew their Hydroelectric Project FERC License in 2026.

In January 2019, PG&E conveyed a Hydroelectric Project summary and decommissioning cost estimate to the Agency Partners for their review. Based on this information, the Agency Partners prepared an alternatives evaluation report to inform Agency management decision-makers about potential future Hydroelectric Project configurations, and estimated costs; generation impacts; and in-stream flows impacts for each configuration; and the Coleman National Fish Hatchery investment needs for each configuration.

During a March 19, 2019 Agency – PG&E Partnership Management Meeting, PG&E indicated that they 1) plan to repair or breach Inskip Diversion Dam; and, 2) will withdraw their 2015 Phase 2 FERC license amendment application and could submit a new Phase 2 license amendment application, consisting of removal work only.

On April 2, 2019, PG&E withdrew their 2015 Phase 2 license amendment application.

At a July 24, 2019 Agency – PG&E Partnership Management Meeting, the Agency Managers conveyed to PG&E that based on an alternative’s evaluation, the Battle Creek Hydroelectric Project is not likely to be economically viable under any alternative; none of the Agencies can take over the hydroelectric project; and the Agencies think that the hydroelectric project is heading towards decommissioning. PG&E and the Agencies agreed to move forward with Phase 2 removal work only.

In March 2021, PG&E completed a draft new Phase 2 FERC license amendment application for removal work only. This draft went through an agency review and PG&E plans to submit the application to FERC in June 2022.

Work Remaining

Phase 2

  • Removal of South Diversion Dam, South Canal, Soap Creek Feeder Diversion Dam and Lower Ripley Creek Feeder Diversion Dam.
    • Final design was completed in 2018 and was updated in October 2020 to include Lower Ripley Creek Diversion Dam; contract award is planned for August 2024; and construction completion is planned for August 2026.
  • Removal of Coleman Diversion Dam and Coleman Canal Diversion Closure.
    • Final design is planned to be completed in 2022; contract award is planned for 2024; and construction completion is planned for 2026.
  • Construction of a South Powerhouse tailrace connector tunnel to Inskip Canal (including a mechanically stabilized earth dike), and an access road to Inskip Diversion Dam.
    • Final design was completed in 2018; and contract award is on hold.
  • Construction of fish screen and fish ladder on Inskip Diversion Dam.
    • Draft design was completed in 2018 and updated in October 2020; final design is on hold; and contract award is on hold. Note: Due to ongoing erosion issues, PG&E now plans to remove Inskip Diversion Dam around 2023.

Adaptive Management

Processes to ensure fisheries objectives and goals are met will be implemented beyond Restoration Project construction completion.

Restoration Project Adaptive Management. The Restoration Project Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) (PDF - 2.2 MB) was completed in 2004. Its goal is to implement specific actions to protect, restore, enhance, and monitor salmonid habitat associated with the Battle Creek Hydroelectric Project within the Restoration Project area to guard against false attraction of adult migrants, and ensure that Chinook salmon and steelhead are able to fully access and utilize available habitat in a manner that benefits all life stages and thereby maximizes natural productions, fully utilizing ecosystem carrying capacity.

Coleman National Fish Hatchery (CNFH) Adaptive Management. CNFH is located downstream of the Restoration Project area on the main stem of Battle Creek. CNFH is funded by Reclamation, owned and operated by the USFWS, and guided by USFWS policy and other state and federal laws. The CNFH AMP (PDF - 8.3 MB), completed in November 2016, includes solutions and processes to support CNFH programs, operations and infrastructure so that hatchery mitigation goals and objectives are achieved and there is compatibility with the Restoration Project.

Integrated Adaptive Management in Battle Creek. The Restoration Project 1999 MOU Partners; Reclamation, USFWS, NMFS, CDFW, and PG&E are committed to coordinating CNFH and Restoration Project AMP efforts. This commitment is memorialized in the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Integrated Adaptive Management of the Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project and Coleman National Fish Hatchery, signed by the Project Partners in November 2016 and included (as an appendix) in the CNFH AMP.

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Last Updated: 7/13/22