Water Efficient Landscape (WEL) Garden
The garden showcases 118 species of trees, shrubs and groundcovers chosen to showcase to area residents plants that are drought tolerant. Most all the plants use very little water and are drought tolerant once established.
The garden features a native California plant section. The highlights of the native section include oak trees. There are five different species of native oak. Other native shrubs and trees include Incense Cedar, Redbud, Mahonia, Manzanita and Matillija Poppy. Grasses include Deer Grass and Blue Gamma grass. Perennials include Achillea, Monkey Flowers, and Pacific Coast Iris.
Many plants throughout the garden attract butterflies and birds, including hummingbirds. The garden displays “color” throughout the year through plant color and blossoms. Fall and winter showcase the deep bronze and copper colors of New Zealand Flax, Nandina, and Mahonia. Spring brings forth the pleura of blossoms of Spanish Lavender, Sunrose, Dogwood and Echinacea and in summer the Crape Myrtle and Butterfly bushes abound with blossoms.
Garden plants are labeled with botanical name, common name, water usage and visually marked if they are CA native or a bird or butterfly attractant. Visiting the garden is an educational experience in the beauty of drought tolerant landscape.