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Comment Letters
on Review of Criteria for Coordinated Long-Range Operation
of Colorado River Reservoirs

 1. Western Area Power Administration
                 March 20, 2002

 2. Quechan Indian Tribe - Mason Morisset
                  March 29, 2002

 3. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
                  March 28, 2002

 4. National Park Service
                 March 29, 2002

 5. Arizona Department of Water Resources
                 March 29, 2002

 6. Sierra Club, Southwest Rivers, Defenders of Wildlife, Land And Water Fund of the Rockies,            Environmental Defense, Pacific Institute, Friends of Arizona Rivers, Living Waters, American Rivers
                 March 25, 2002

 7. Interested Party
                 March 25, 2002

 8. Colorado River Board of California
                 March 29, 2002

 9. Department of Energy - Western Area Power Administration
                 March 29, 2002

 10. Upper Colorado River Commission
                 March 29, 2002

 11. Irrigation and Electrical Districts Association of Arizona
                 March 29, 2002

 12. State of Colorado - Colorado Water Conservation Board
                 March 27, 2002

 13. New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission
                 March 26, 2002

 14. Office of the Attorney General - Water and Natural Resources Division, State of Wyoming
                 April 5, 2002

 15. International Boundary and Water Commission - United States and Mexico
                 April 5, 2002

 16. State of Utah, Division of Water Resources
                 April 9, 2002

 17. Sierra Club, Rivers Committee
                 December 6, 2004

 18. Upper Colorado River Commission
                 December 6, 2004

 19. Friends of Lake Powell, Page, AZ
                 December 6, 2004

 20. Brynn C. Johns
                 December 6, 2004

 21. State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources
                 December 4, 2004

 22. Page Electric Utility, Page, AZ
                 December 6, 2004

 23. Colorado Water Conservation Board, Department of Natural Resources, Denver, CO
                 December 6, 2004

 24. City of Page, Arizona
                 December 3, 2004

 25. Grand Canyon Trust, Directory of Water Policy
                 December 7, 2004

 26. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
                 December 9, 2004

 27. Colorado River Board of California, Glendale, CA
                 December 3, 2004

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Contact: bcoowaterops@usbr.gov
Updated: December 2004