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(Hourly Data)
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DAILY RIVER REPORT FOR 3-26-2025 PAGE 1 (Releases are averages over the hour.) (Elevation and storage values are end-of-period readings.) MEAD HOOVER MOHAVE MOHAVE DAVIS HAVASU HAVASU PARKER TIME ELEV. RELEASE ELEV. STORAGE RELEASE ELEV. STORAGE RELEASE (MST) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (KAF) (CFS) (FT) (KAF) (CFS) 0000-0100 1067.19 13274 643.08 1700.8 18344 447.17 564.3 14096 0100-0200 1067.18 8555 643.05 1700.0 18356 447.17 564.3 14096 0200-0300 1067.18 9704 643.00 1698.6 18356 447.10 562.9 14157 0300-0400 1067.18 8410 642.95 1697.3 18356 447.07 562.5 14096 0400-0500 1067.16 9281 642.96 1697.7 18368 447.08 562.7 14145 0500-0600 1067.13 19348 642.91 1696.2 18344 447.02 561.6 14641 0600-0700 1067.15 30988 642.89 1695.8 13625 446.98 560.7 14677 0700-0800 1067.17 24357 642.97 1698.0 13576 447.02 561.4 14677 0800-0900 1067.15 17932 643.09 1701.2 9123 446.97 560.6 14145 0900-1000 1067.11 7030 643.12 1702.0 4562 446.93 559.7 14169 1000-1100 1100-1200 1200-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800 1800-1900 1900-2000 2000-2100 2100-2200 2200-2300 2300-2400 AVERAGE 14888 15101 14290 DAILY RIVER REPORT FOR 3-26-2025 PAGE 2 (All values are averages over the hour) BIG BEND BELOW NEEDLES BRIDGE RS 41 PARKER GAGE WATER WHEEL PALO VERDE TIME STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW (MST) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) 0000-0100 487.19 18611 456.46 11694 451.54 11490 343.36 8619 301.42 8818 0100-0200 487.30 18945 456.79 12438 451.54 11727 343.98 10982 301.36 8712 0200-0300 487.35 19130 457.16 13233 451.58 12000 344.30 12304 301.33 8642 0300-0400 487.39 19239 457.54 13970 451.66 12424 344.39 12711 301.31 8603 0400-0500 487.40 19297 457.88 14666 451.78 12928 344.41 12798 301.31 8602 0500-0600 487.42 19336 458.19 15290 451.92 13492 344.44 12924 301.38 8739 0600-0700 487.42 19355 458.44 15842 452.06 13988 344.43 12885 301.56 9075 0700-0800 487.31 18995 458.66 16312 452.20 14477 344.50 13174 301.80 9520 0800-0900 486.93 17785 458.83 16698 452.34 14869 344.54 13118 302.06 10008 0900-1000 486.43 16266 458.97 17013 452.48 15267 344.56 13425 302.28 10447 1000-1100 1100-1200 1200-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800 1800-1900 1900-2000 2000-2100 2100-2200 2200-2300 2300-2400 AVERAGE 487.21 18696 457.89 14716 451.91 13266 344.29 12294 301.58 9117 DAILY RIVER REPORT FOR 3-26-2025 PAGE 3 (All values are averages over the hour) I-10 BRIDGE McINTYRE PARK TAYLOR FERRY OXBOW BRIDGE CIBOLA PICACHO PARK TIME STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW (MST) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) 0000-0100 250.04 11052 240.82 10358 232.17 10103 220.92 9040 208.10 9511 191.83 10245 0100-0200 250.05 11075 240.92 10553 232.31 10360 221.04 9306 208.09 9505 191.84 10267 0200-0300 250.03 11040 241.00 10699 232.45 10603 221.18 9582 208.11 9542 191.85 10283 0300-0400 249.97 10937 241.04 10795 232.56 10810 221.30 9857 208.13 9609 191.85 10282 0400-0500 249.88 10785 241.07 10835 232.67 11010 221.43 10130 208.17 9731 191.85 10271 0500-0600 249.77 10586 241.06 10816 232.76 11174 221.55 10394 208.22 9901 191.84 10253 0600-0700 249.63 10349 241.01 10734 232.80 11254 221.65 10625 208.29 10104 191.83 10228 0700-0800 249.47 10084 240.94 10597 232.81 11274 221.73 10805 208.35 10116 191.82 10204 0800-0900 249.30 9803 240.85 10418 232.78 11211 221.80 10954 208.42 10317 191.80 10176 0900-1000 249.13 9520 240.74 10191 232.69 11059 221.84 11051 208.49 10553 191.79 10148 1000-1100 191.79 10140 1100-1200 1200-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800 1800-1900 1900-2000 2000-2100 2100-2200 2200-2300 2300-2400 AVERAGE 249.73 10523 240.95 10600 232.60 10886 221.44 10174 208.24 9889 DAILY RIVER REPORT FOR 3-26-2025 PAGE 4 (All stage and flow values are averages over the hour. All elevations are end-of-period values.) MARTINEZ LAKE* SEN WASH IMPERIAL ABOVE LAGUNA DAM BELOW LAGUNA DAM YUMA GAGE NORTH BOUNDARY BROCK RESERVOIR TIME STAGE FLOW STAGE STAGE STAGE STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW STAGE FLOW INFLOW STORAGE RELEASE (MST) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (FT) (CFS) (CFS) (AF) (CFS) 0000-0100 186.13 10223 234.10 180.61 145.15 124.40 416 110.41 547 106.42 2200 0 2072 0 0100-0200 186.14 10250 234.06 180.62 145.15 124.40 417 110.41 544 106.42 2204 0 2073 0 0200-0300 186.16 10280 234.06 180.62 145.16 124.41 416 110.41 544 106.43 2207 0 2073 0 0300-0400 186.17 10310 234.09 180.61 145.18 124.41 417 110.41 544 106.43 2212 0 2074 0 0400-0500 186.18 10342 234.05 180.57 145.18 124.41 417 110.41 544 106.43 2211 0 2073 0 0500-0600 186.20 10366 234.03 180.55 145.19 124.42 418 110.41 543 106.43 2210 0 2073 0 0600-0700 186.20 10382 234.02 180.49 145.20 124.44 424 110.41 542 106.43 2214 0 2074 0 0700-0800 186.21 10396 234.00 180.47 145.21 124.46 425 110.41 541 106.43 2205 0 2075 0 0800-0900 186.21 10399 233.99 180.44 145.23 124.46 427 110.40 541 106.41 2195 0 2077 0 0900-1000 186.21 10401 234.00 180.41 145.24 124.46 110.40 106.41 2190 0 2078 0 1000-1100 186.21 10396 233.98 180.42 145.24 124.46 110.40 106.41 2190 0 2078 0 1100-1200 1200-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800 1800-1900 1900-2000 2000-2100 2100-2200 2200-2300 2300-2400 AVERAGE 420 543 * The Colorado River gage near Martinez Lake does not include the inlet flows to Martinez Lake
Note: Automatic reports have not been checked for errors.
(ft=feet above mean sea level, cfs=cubic feet per second, kaf=1000 acre-feet)
Please contact the Water Operations Control Center via e-mail at bcoowaterops@usbr.gov or via phone at (702) 293-8373 for additional questions or information.