What kinds of uses are not authorized on Reclamation projects?

A use authorization will not be granted when, in the judgment of Reclamation, the use cannot be reasonably accommodated on Reclamation land, facilities, or waterbodies because it would:

  • Be incompatible with authorized Project purposes and project operations, safety, or security;
  • Jeopardize the interests of the United States;
  • Result in unacceptable impacts to the environment, natural or cultural resources, public health and safety that would be incompatible with applicable land use planning decisions or project operations
  • Violate state or local law, regulation, ordinances, or zoning;
  • Be an otherwise inappropriate use of Federal property;
  • Result in new private exclusive recreational or residential use of Reclamation land, facilities, or waterbodies.  Such prohibited uses include but are not limited to:
    • Cabins, homes, permanent mobile home sites, outbuildings or similar structures, and/or their associated landscaping, patios, decks, and porches;
    • Boat houses, docks, moorings, and launch ramps;
    • Floating structures or buildings, including moored vessels used as residences or business sites;
    • Hunting, fishing, camping, and similar privately developed sites; or
    • Access to private lands, facilities, or structures when other reasonable alternative access is available or can be obtained.

Improvements that are within the terms and conditions of an existing authorization will not be considered new private exclusive recreational or residential use.

Authority: 43 CFR§429.31


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Last Updated: 09/13/2022