
Reclamation’s mission is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. Established in 1902, Reclamation is best known for the dams, power plants, pipelines, and canals constructed in the 17 Western states. These water and power projects led to homesteading and promoted the economic and social development of the West.

Reports and Information

  • Aging Infrastructure - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

    Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investments Location Map.With the signing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law by President Biden, Reclamation takes on a new opportunity to invest in our infrastructure and benefit the American public for the next generation. This key investment will improve federal stewardship of our critical infrastructure and significantly increase Reclamation’s efforts to support our partners, stakeholders, Tribal nations, and communities in the 17 Western states. Included in this Act is an $8.3 billion investment in Reclamation water infrastructure and $2.5 billion for authorized water rights settlement projects. Implementing this law and delivering meaningful results is a top priority for Reclamation. Click here for more information

        •  Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
        •  BIL News release 4205
        •  BIL News release 4473
        •  Extended Repayment of Extraordinary Maintenance Costs, PEC 05-03
        •  BIL Law Spend Plans

  • Asset Management Report

    The cover of the Strategic Asset Management Plan.The John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, P.L. 116-9, Title VIII – Water and Power, Subtitle G - Bureau of Reclamation Transparency, Sections 8601-8603 (Reclamation Transparency Act) requires the Bureau of Reclamation to provide Congress with a detailed assessment of Major Rehabilitation and Replacement (MR&R) long-term capital and repair needs, categorization of repair needs, and regular reporting of information related to Reclamation's investments in infrastructure. The report to Congress must include an itemized list of MR&R information, guidance that describes the applicability of a risk categorization system, and budget-level cost estimates, as reported in annual funding requests for individual activities. Read the Report →

  • Reclamation Strategic Asset Management Plan

    The cover of the Strategic Asset Management Plan.Reclamation's infrastructure is the foundation for life in the western United States. As our infrastructure continues to age, it is imperative that we maintain our ability to safely and reliably execute our mission. Reclamation's Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) is a tool we will utilize to describe the value we provide the nation and document the investments needed to continue succeeding into the future. In addition, the SAMP provides a reporting framework which Reclamation will employ as it prepares to meet requirements outlined in the Reclamation Transparency Act of 2019 (Title XIII Subtitle G of Public Law 116-9, or 'Act'). The SAMP combines Reclamation's Asset Management Plan and Infrastructure Investment Strategy, while also aligning with International Standards Organization 55000 series standards on Asset Management. Read the Plan →

  • State Of the Infrastructure Report

    The cover of the State Of the Infrastructure Report.This joint report by the Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers provides a high-level overview of the infrastructure asset portfolio and related asset management practices, collaboration efforts, and future strategies. The two agencies have recently made record investments in critical water resource construction projects and to further develop innovative approaches to address their most pressing challenges. For the Army Corps, 48 construction projects have started and 61 were completed over the last five years. Through the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, Reclamation is investing more than $12 billion for water infrastructure and drought resilience projects over five years. In 2022, 2023 and 2024, Reclamation has allocated $2.9 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to more than 420 individual projects. The Army Corps and Reclamation are committed to constructing infrastructure projects that will strengthen the Nation’s economy, protect people and property, and restore key ecosystems. Read the Report →

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Last Updated: 02/21/2024