Pre-Scoping – Colorado River Post 2026 Operations

June 2022 Federal Register Notice Request for Input

To help develop operating strategies for post-2026, Reclamation published a Federal Register Notice on June 24, 2022 asking for public input in two specific areas:

  • Suggested mechanisms for the anticipated NEPA process(es) to ensure that a wide range of Basin partners, stakeholders, and the general public can meaningfully engage and participate in the development of post-2026 operational strategies
  • Potential substantive elements and strategies that should be considered for post-2026 operations and considered in the anticipated upcoming NEPA process(es)

The purpose of the Notice was to receive input on the process and substantive elements for post-2026 operations prior to the anticipated initiation in early 2023 of a formal process pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Reclamation was particularly interested in receiving specific recommendations that recognize the need for robust policies that withstand a broad range of future conditions and are not based on a single set of assumptions about water supply and demand; the current and emerging operational challenges resulting from low runoff conditions; and the need for engagement and inclusivity, including all Basin tribes and Mexico, in Colorado River decision-making processes.

  • Pre-Scoping Comment Summary Report Webinar

    Reclamation held a webinar on Monday, January 30th to provide information on the Post-2026 Pre-Scoping Comment Summary Report. The report summarizes the pre-scoping comments received in response to the Federal Register Notice published in June 2022. Learn more about the Pre-Scoping Process and Comments →

    Webinar Presentation
    Pre-Scoping Comment Summary Report

  • Summary of the Federal Register Notice Input Received

    The comment period for the Federal Register Notice extended from June 24 through September 1, 2022. During this timeframe, Reclamation received 135 unique comment letters from concerned citizens, more than 1,964 submittals of the BlueRibbon Coalition “Fill Lake Powell – the Path to 3588 ft” form letter, and 55 in-depth stakeholder letters signed by 81 unique stakeholders. Learn more →

Materials and Webinar Videos

Last Updated: 12/7/23