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Water Recycling and Desalination
Water recycling and desalination are essential tools for stretching limited water supplies in the Western United States. Reclamation provides cost-shared funding on a competitive basis for planning, design, and construction of water recycling and desalination projects. Funding is made available for projects through the Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Program, the Desalination Construction Program, and the Large-Scale Water Recycling Program
Contact Information: For more information regarding Title XVI, please contact Maribeth Menendez, at 303-445-2094 or mmenendez@usbr.gov.
For more information regarding Large-Scale Water Recycling, please contact Amanda Erath, at 720-948-7108 or aerath@usbr.gov.
- Interior Region 5: Missouri Basin & Interior Region 6: Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf - Luis Cruzado, 512-899-4170 or lcruzado@usbr.gov
- Interior Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin - Jessica Kahler, 801-524-3864 or jkahler@usbr.gov
- Interior Region 8: Lower Colorado Basin - Alex Soubannarath, (951) 695-5310, vsoubannarath@usbr.gov
- Interior Region 9: Columbia-Pacific Northwest - Cavan Gerrish, (208) 378-5347 or cgerrish@usbr.gov
- Interior Region 10: California-Great Basin - Mike Dietl, (916) 397-4483 or mdietl@usbr.gov
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