Flaming Gorge

Flaming Gorge Reservoir

Current Status

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

As of June 6, 2024 (end of day), Flaming Gorge Reservoir pool elevation is 6027.09 feet, which amounts to 86 percent of live storage capacity. Unregulated inflow volume for the month of May is approximately 172,000 acre-feet (af), which is 69 percent of the average unregulated inflow volume.

A new operational plan was finalized in May 2024, and covers from May 2024 through April 2025.

Spring Release – The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has requested to initialize the smallmouth bass (SMB) flow experiment. Beginning on June 24, 2024, Flaming Gorge Dam releases shall begin ramping up to full power plant capacity for the SMB flow experiment. The experiment is scheduled to last 72 hours and ramp down will begin on June 27, 2024. Reclamation has coordinated with Western Area Power Administration to create the hourly scheduled release pattern for the ramp down period. On June 30, the daily average release will return to 950 cfs, and continue thereafter. Please note that releases in this schedule include fluctuations for power generation. Additionally, to further disadvantage the SMB, the selective withdrawal structure (SWS) will be adjusted to release colder water during this period.

Recreationists on the Green River should take caution and be aware the increased flows in the river will be cold and swift.

Forecasted (tentative and subject to change) hourly release schedules can be found by visiting the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center (CBRFC) at this website:  CBRFC Reservoir Outflow Hydrograph

Please note that the CBRFC data is in Zulu time, which is 6 hours later than MDT. For example, 6 pm Zulu (Z) is 12 pm MDT.

The June unregulated inflow forecast into Flaming Gorge for the next three months projects below average conditions. June, July, and August forecasted unregulated inflow volumes are 325,000 af (83 percent of average), 129,000 af (64 percent of average), and 60,000 af (84 percent of average), respectively.

The June water supply forecast of the April through July unregulated inflow volume into Flaming Gorge Reservoir is 755,000 acre-feet (78 percent of average).

To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Flaming Gorge Reservoir Data.

Working Group Meetings

The Flaming Gorge Working Group is an open public forum for information exchange between Reclamation and the stakeholders of Flaming Gorge Dam. The public is encouraged to attend and comment on the operations and plans presented by Reclamation at these meetings. Meeting notes from past Working Group meetings are posted on the Working Group webpage. For more information on this group and these meetings please contact Alex Pivarnik at 385-475-8329.

Reclamation is planning to hold a Flaming Gorge Working Group meeting in August 28, 2024, in Vernal, UT  (and Teams virtual meeting) (tentative).

Past working group meeting summaries can be accessed on the  Working Grouppages.


Please contact the Operations Group via e-mail at ResourceMgr@usbr.gov for additional information.

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Last Updated: 6/14/24