Demonstration of Innovative Technologies
Water Information Program, Four Corners Division - Sponsored by: Southwestern Water Conservation District

The Southwestern Water Conservation District (District) initiated a Water Information Program (WIP) to present water information and education materials in venues such as workshops, town meetings, conferences, and on the Internet. Reclamation provided financial assistance for this project. The District also plans, organizes, promotes and conducts the annual Southwestern Water Conservation District’s Children’s Water Festival.
The Water Information Program is a unique program created by water providers in the Four Corners region to provide a coordinated effort to disseminate information and educate the public on important water topics and issues facing the San Juan and Dolores River basins. The program is sponsored by the Southwestern Water Conservation District and nine other water-providing agencies in the area. Through WIP, the water providers are able to provide accurate information and valuable education on water resources through a variety of methods. It is envisioned that with financial assistance from Reclamation, WIP will become one of the premier clearinghouses for water information and education in the State.
Contact: Southwestern Water Conservation District, Colorado (970) 247-1302; Bureau of Reclamation, Western Colorado Area Office, Durango (970) 385-6560.
Last Updated: 4/5/17