Implementation of Conservation Measures
Water Control Telemetry Stations - Sponsored by: El Paso County Water Improvement District #1

The telemetry stations like the one shown in the following picture allow El Paso County Water Improvement District #1 (EP #1) to collect real time flow data through out their system. By knowing exactly how much water is in their canals and laterals at all times, the dispatcher of EP #1 is better able to match the farmer's needs with the available water. The telemetry system allows EP #1 to operate more smoothly and improves the efficiency of the delivery system by promoting water conservation. Reclamation helped EP #1 by providing funding for 13 stations. EP #1 has 35 telemetry stations total through out their system. Some of the advantages of the telemetry system include:
1. Stations can be placed in remote locations. This allows the ditchrider of EP #1 to better use his time taking care of trouble locations instead of traveling to remote sites.
2. Telemetry system allows the dispatcher of EP #1 to have a better overview of water flows which he can access instantaneously. The flow information can be displayed in a graphical format which makes it easier to identify problems.
3. Since the telemetry system transmit flow information digitally, the data can be easily stored on the computer.
4. Water quality probes can be easily added to the system. EP #1 has plans to add water quality probes to the telemetry sites in the near future. By using water quality probes on the telemetry sites, the ditchrider does not have to travel to remote sites to collect water quality data. Also, the dispatcher will know instantaneously if he has a water quality problem and where.
5. The system can be integrated with an automatic gate opening mechanism which can be operated automatically at the telemetry station or remotely by the dispatcher.
EP #1 identified the installation of a telemetry system as one of conservation measures they plan to implement in the water management plan they submitted to Reclamation and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Reclamation has also provided funding for EP #1 to develop a water management plan under the Water Conservation Field Services Program.
Contact: El Paso Counyt Water Improvement District #1 (915) 859-4186.
Last Updated: 4/5/17