- Reclamation
- Upper Colorado Basin
- System Conservation and Efficiency Program
Upper Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program
Current Focus
The application period for funding is now closed.
This is the first round of projects funded from the Upper Basin Environmental Drought Mitigation Program through the Inflation Reduction Act. Additional announcements may be made in the coming months.
NOTE: This list of proposals received under the Upper Basin Environmental Drought Mitigation (B2E) funding opportunity have been selected to move on to the next phase; all proposals are subject to negotiation of terms and conditions and completion of necessary reviews.
Navajo Nation-Chinle Wash Watershed Restoration Plan: Up to approximately $25.4m
Funding is provided for the removal of invasive riparian species to restore the ecological health of a key watershed impacted by prolonged drought. This project includes the revegetation of native species. It employs a phased treatment approach and ongoing annual monitoring.
Ute Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation-Completion of a Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan and Subsequent Project and Implementation on the Lowest Reaches of the Duchesne and White Rivers Near Ouray, Utah: Up to approximately $18m
Funding is provided to assess degraded river channels and restore stream channels focusing on river health, habitat, and water quality. Additional efforts will stabilize eroding banks, reconnect floodplains, and remove invasive plant species to support native vegetation.
Southern Ute Indian Tribe-Pine River Environment Drought Mitigation Project: Up to approximately $16.7m
Funding is provided to enhance ecosystem health in the Pine River watershed while addressing the impacts of prolonged drought. Funding is subject to negotiation concerning operation, maintenance and replacement costs and other appropriate considerations. This project focuses on improving fish passage and restoring a tributary to support native species and water quality.
Ute Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation-Prioritization, Design and Implementation of Aquatic Habitat Restoration Projects on Hill and Pole Creeks in the Green River Basin: Up to approximately $5.9m
Funding is provided to restore vital aquatic habitats on both Hill and Pole Creeks impacted by drought and land use by employing innovative low-tech process-based restoration techniques. It includes developing restoration plans and implementing form-based river restoration.
Hopi Tribe-Launch of Flagship Tribally-led Stream and Riparian Restoration Project Reclamation Funding: Up to approximately $1.1m
Funding is provided to restore riparian and upland habitats at Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, installing erosion control structures, and reseeding with native and culturally significant plants to promote biodiversity and support local wildlife while empowering Indigenous stewardship and fostering educational exchanges of traditional ecological knowledge across generations.
Navajo Nation-Glen Canyon Navajo Nation Riparian Restoration Reclamation Funding: Up to approximately $1.1m
Funding is provided to restore riparian habitat along the Colorado River in Navajo Nation by removing nonnative tamarisk and planting Goodding's willow and Fremont cottonwood, while implementing comprehensive monitoring plans for wildlife and vegetation.
Shoshone Water Rights Preservation Project: Up to approximately $40m
Funding is provided to permanently protect the Shoshone Water Rights in the Upper Colorado River Basin to ensure a reliable water supply for ecosystem, agricultural, municipal, and recreational uses. Key components include maintaining the historical flow regime, eliminating risks of abandonment due to plant decommissioning, and facilitating instream flow use by the Colorado Water Conservation Board. Funds will not be obligated or expended until a final Colorado water court decree is entered confirming water rights and the agreement will contain provisions requiring written consent of Reclamation on any water right changes. The conditions precedent set by the State of Colorado for their funding of the Shoshone Water Rights Preservation Project must also be met prior to the obligation of federal funds.
Addressing Drought Mitigation in Southwest Colorado: Up to approximately $25.6m
Funding is provided for restoring ecosystems and improving river and connection of waterways in southwestern Colorado. It involves a collaborative effort to enhance biodiversity and water resources while supporting local communities and endangered species.
Grand Mesa and Upper Gunnison Watershed Resiliency and Aquatic Connectivity Project: Up to approximately $24.3m
Funding is provided to implement watershed restoration actions to combat drought effects in western Colorado. Through a variety of strategies, it enhances water quality, habitat resilience, and connectivity for aquatic species.
Orchard Mesa Irrigation District Conveyance Upgrades for 15-Mile Reach Flow Enhancement: Up to approximately $10.5m
Funding is provided to convert open canals into pressurized pipelines, improving water delivery efficiency and reducing environmental stressors. This upgrade supports the recovery of endangered fish species by enhancing streamflow in the critical 15-mile reach of the Colorado River.
Enhancing Aquatic Habitat in Colorado River Headwaters: Up to approximately $7m
Funding is provided to restore stream habitats along the Fraser, Blue and Colorado rivers in Grand County, enhancing aquatic ecosystems through channel shaping and bank stabilization through collaboration with key conservation partners.
Yampa River/Walton Creek Confluence Restoration Project: Up to approximately $5m
Funding is provided to restore river and wetland ecosystems in Steamboat Springs through restoration of river and floodplain habitat and the rehabilitation of riparian and wetland area thereby enhancing ecological health and promoting biodiversity. It addresses drought impacts by improving water quality, habitat complexity, and community resilience.
Drought Resiliency on Western Colorado Conserved Lands: Up to approximately $4.6m
Funding is provided to implement various ecological restoration strategies, including the restoration of wetlands, reconnection of floodplains, the installation of erosion control structures to reduce sediment transport and enhance water quality, while promoting habitat restoration for at-risk species like the yellow-billed cuckoo and Gunnison sage-grouse.
Upper Colorado Basin Aquatic Organism Passage Program: Up to approximately $4.2m
Funding is provided to restore stream habitat in Grand County, promoting biodiversity and resilience against drought conditions while enhancing habitat connectivity and improving fish passage for native species, particularly Colorado River cutthroat trout.
Conversion of Wastewater Lagoons into Wetlands: Up to approximately $3m
Funding is provided to transform outdated sewer lagoons into wetlands, enhancing biodiversity and providing habitat for migratory waterfowl and endangered fish species in the town of Palisades. Once completed, the wetlands will improve water quality and increase native plant diversity, recharging groundwater and supporting up to 75% of commercially harvested fish.
Fruita Reservoir Dam Removal: Up to approximately $2.8m
Funding is provided to remove a dam on Pinon Mesa, restoring wetlands and enhancing biodiversity and wildlife habitat while ensuring ecological resilience through water pooling, pipeline removal and comprehensive habitat restoration efforts.
Monitoring and Quantifying the Effectiveness of Beaver Dam Analogs on Drought Influenced Streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Up to approximately $1.9m
Funding is provided to restore degraded headwater meadows by implementing structures that mimic the natural functions of beaver dams. These interventions enhance ecosystem resilience, improve water retention, and support native species.
Uncompahgre Tailwater Rehabilitation Project: Up to $1.8m
Funding is provided to address habitat degradation, enhancing ecological health and recreational opportunities through rehabilitation of river habitat, restoration aging structures, and implementation of bank stabilization techniques.
Eagle River Habitat Improvement, Gypsum Ponds State Wildlife Area: Up to approximately $1.5m
Funding is provided to enhance Eagle River in Eagle County, improving fish habitat and increasing resilience to low flows and drought while supporting local ecosystems and enhancing water quality.
Orchard Mesa and Grand Valley Metering Efficiency Project: Up to approximately $1.5m
Funding is provided to enhance water management in the Grand Valley through the installation of advanced metering technology and SCADA systems. This project addresses drought conditions by improving water use efficiency and supporting local aquatic ecosystems.
Habitat Restoration in the Gunnison Basin: Up to approximately $750k
Funding is provided to restore stream habitats in the Gunnison Basin, implementing low-tech restoration structures to enhance ecosystem resilience and support habitat for the endangered Gunnison Sage-Grouse.
Cyanobacteria Monitoring and Treatment for Drought-driven Blooms in a High Elevation, Upper Colorado Reservoir to save Ecosystem Function: Up to approximately $518k
Funding is provided to restore aquatic health at Williams Fork reservoir by deploying real-time water quality monitoring tools and implementing targeted hydrogen peroxide treatments to combat algal blooms. It enhances water quality management to protect ecosystems and support community recreational activities.
Lower Price River Environmental Drought Mitigation Project: Up to approximately $28.1m
Funding is provided for increasing water storage capacity, constructing a new dam, and replacing irrigation diversions. It focuses on improving aquatic habitats and water quality to support native fish species and local ecosystems.
Matheson Wetland Enhancement Drought Mitigation Project: Up to approximately $21m
Funding is provided to revitalizes essential wetland habitats along the Colorado River and enhancing water supply and quality, it fosters a resilient ecosystem for diverse wildlife. Funding includes the construction of a tertiary wastewater treatment facility, restoring wetlands and enhancing species habitat, including endangered fish and migratory birds.
Moab Wetlands Revitalization: Up to approximately $6.5m
Funding is provided to install a river diversion and pump station to provide water to the Scott and Norma Matheson Wetlands Preserve, Utah's largest wetlands along the Colorado River, doubling its area for migratory and residential bird species, and supporting native fish recovery efforts and improving habitat for mammals and amphibians like the northern leopard frog. Additionally, it is expected to reverse trends of diminishing water quality and soil composition, combat invasive species, and facilitate replanting of native vegetation, ultimately improving ecosystem resilience and promoting biodiversity.
Price River Restoration: Up to approximately $4.8m
Funding is provided to restore high-elevation wetlands and perennial streams, improving water quality, increasing base flows, and stabilizing eroding banks while protecting critical habitats and benefiting native species such as Colorado River cutthroat trout and greater sage-grouse.
Scofield Tributaries Drought Resiliency and Restoration: Up to approximately $2.8m
Funding is provided to reduce erosion and sediment, thereby decreasing phosphorus and dissolved solids entering Scofield Reservoir and improving aquatic and terrestrial habitats, fostering healthier ecosystems, and improving downstream water quality, contributing to a more sustainable environment.
Huntington Creek Drought Resiliency and Restoration: Up to approximately $2.6m
Funding is focused on three main components aimed at enhancing aquatic habitat and drought resiliency in the Huntington Creek drainage area with low-tech restoration structures, form-based habitat structures, and monitoring—all of which will improve water quality and habitat for native species, including Colorado River Cutthroat Trout.
Willow Creek Subbasin Restoration, Green River Basin: Up to approximately $2.3m
Funding is provided to enhance stream geomorphology and riparian habitats, benefiting native fish species and improving water quality by river restoration, including the removal of invasive high-density tamarisk species.
Green River Riparian Restoration: Up to approximately $1.8m
Funding is provided to remove invasive Russian olive trees and restore native plant communities, which are crucial for stabilizing streambanks and reducing erosion along the Green River.
Voluntary Water Leasing, Price River: Up to approximately $1.4m
Funding is provided to enhance instream flows in the Price River through water leases over three years, improving fish habitat and mitigating drought impacts.
Building Community Under Threat of Drought-San Juan River Basin Restoration: Up to approximately $1.1m
Funding is provided to assess natural springs and conduct targeted restoration projects within the San Juan River watershed to mitigate drought effects and enhance habitat for sensitive species.
Green River Tributaries Aquatic and Riparian Initiative: Up to approximately $13m
The project includes stream restoration, wetland creation and infrastructure improvements to enhance aquatic habitat and drought resilience to 7 tributaries of the Upper Green River, with key components including replacing the U.S. Highway 189 Fontenelle Creek culvert with a fish-passable structure, consolidating multiple diversion structures for improved fish passage, creating new wetlands, stream restoration, and protecting riparian areas from drought.
Watershed Resiliency in the Colorado River Headwaters: Up to approximately $8.6m
Funding is provided for fish passage improvements and the restoration of wet meadows, increasing groundwater recharge and extending baseflows vital for greater sage-grouse and boreal toads while improving water quality and reducing sediment loads.
Killdeer Wetlands and Diversion Dam Improvements: Up to approximately $2.4m
Funding is provided to modify a diversion dam by lowering its crest elevation, construct a grouted rock ramp, and rebuild a berm to facilitate water storage and enhance fish passage, improving recreation safety and managing flood flows in the Green River.
Green River Mainstem Aquatic and Riparian Drought Resiliency Initiative: Up to approximately $2.2m
Funding is provided to enhance river corridors, stabilize riverbanks, and improve floodplain habitat, reducing sediment by approximately 85% and increasing riparian belt widths, which will improve water quality and create new wetland habitat, benefiting diverse wildlife, including fish and terrestrial species.
Green River Side Channel and Riparian Forest Restoration Initiative for Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge: Up to approximately $1.5m
Funding is provided to restore vital riverine and forest habitats in Wyoming through enhancing water flow and biodiversity by reopening historic side channels to facilitate water movement, replanting cottonwoods and willows to stabilize banks, and reseeding native pollinator-friendly plant species.
San Juan River Sediment Removal and Habitat Enhancement Reclamation Funding: Up to approximately $7.3m
Funding is provided to enhance habitat for endangered fish species by creating new islands and secondary channels, increasing habitat complexity and improving connectivity between main and secondary channels, resulting in longer water residence times in low-velocity nursery habitats, promoting greater recruitment of native fish.
San Juan Water Lease Agreement: Up to approximately $6.1m
Funding is provided to enhance water security by leasing water annually from Navajo Reservoir, benefiting native fish species such as the Colorado pikeminnow and razorback sucker through improved habitat and flow conditions in the San Juan River.
Process-Based Restoration of Drought Impacted Riverscapes in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Up to $33.2m
Funding is provided for 124 identified sites to enhance drought resilience in the Upper Colorado River Basin through restoration efforts across multiple states. By implementing effective ecological practices, it targets critical habitats and improves water quality for various species. The project will remove invasive species that deplete water resources and implement low-tech restoration techniques to foster sustainable ecosystem recovery.
Forest Resiliency in the Headwaters of the Colorado: Up to approximately $32.6m
Funding is provided to addresses ecosystem degradation in the Upper Colorado River Basin by implementing strategic management practices and focusing on enhancing watershed health and resilience to drought for wildlife and local communities.
Ecosystem Restoration of Green River Wetland Bottoms at Ouray and Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge: Up to approximately $5.8m
Funding is provided to restore river bottom habitats along a vital Green River corridor by reconnecting floodplain wetlands and removing levees. It enhances habitat for migratory birds and endangered fish species.
Program Overview

The Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Reclamation are committed to addressing the challenges of climate change in the Colorado River Basin by utilizing science-based, innovative strategies and working cooperatively with other federal agencies and diverse communities that rely on the Colorado River.
Prolonged drought and low runoff conditions have led to historically low water levels in Lakes Powell and Mead. As water levels continue to decline, action to improve and protect the long-term sustainability of the Colorado River System is imperative.
The Biden-Harris administration is making unprecedented investments in drought resilience and water management. President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law made a historic $8.3 billion investment to address water and drought challenges and invest in our nation's western water and power infrastructure, while rebuilding our existing projects to withstand a changing hydrology. Additionally, the Inflation Reduction Act includes $4 billion in funding specifically for water management and conservation efforts in the Colorado River Basin and other areas experiencing similar levels of drought.
As part of the Department's commitment to address the drought crisis, the Upper and Lower Colorado River Basins are working with states, Tribes, and other water users to implement programs that will mitigate water conservation in the Basin.
Funding opportunities of the Upper Colorado River Basin System Conservation and Efficiency Program are made under the under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) which became Public Law 117-169 on August 16, 2022. Section 50233 of the Law provides funding to mitigate the impacts of drought with priority to the Colorado River Basin, and other basins experiencing comparable levels of drought.
For additional questions or information about the UCB System Conservation and Efficiency Program, please contact: UCBEfficiency@usbr.gov